The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Episode 07: Finding Wisdom in a Sea of Information
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
In this episode of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick talk about how to find wisdom in a sea of information. They discuss the importance of finding a mentor or coach, and how finding wisdom relates to their successful real estate careers.
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry has decided to become proactive about finding good information instead of just letting wisdom come to him.
- Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
- You choose whether you learn from mistakes or not.
- Remember that people have gone before you that you can look to for wisdom.
- Putting yourself in a specific circle of people can eliminate a lot of information that's out there.
- Jerry finds someone he trusts that has characteristics he wants to emulate when he's seeking wisdom.
- When you don't have wisdom, that causes fear.
- Jacobe speaks about finding wisdom from a real estate coach.
- Jerry speaks about how he also found the real estate coach Kevin Ward.
- Jacobe shares how he approached finding the right information when he became a real estate agent. He found someone with a process to emulate.
- Jerry and Jacobe discuss how access to information has changed real estate. The rules have changed.
- They discuss working with sellers who are trying to sell their homes themselves.
- There are many areas of life where we have a lot of facts but not necessarily a lot of wisdom.
- We have a need for certainty. Knowing you're working with an established process helps you to feel more certain.
- Wisdom helps you know how to work with facts.
- Wisdom isn't black and white.
- Jacobe loves to read and research to sort through information and find wisdom.
- Figure out how the expert you're consulting became an expert.
- For Jerry, having wisdom starts with finding clarity about who he wants to be.
- Jacobe likes to research things for himself to discover the truth.
- It's possible to drown in information. That doesn't move you forward.
- Fear often builds when you start taking in too much information.
- Jacobe shares about his experience in military training when he encountered the unknown and had to stretch his mind around uncertain conditions.
- Wisdom brings certainty and can help you get to the result you're looking for.
- Not all investors are the same and you're not going to be the same as another investor.
- As an investor, you need to define your goals. This will make finding deals that work for you easier to do.
3 Key Points:
- Finding the right mentor or coach can help you filter information.
- When you have a specific goal, it helps to find someone with a proven system or process you can emulate.
- Information without wisdom can cause fear, uncertainty, and overwhelm.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry Weaver Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry and Jacobe Podcast Facebook page
- Moonwalking with Einstein (book)
- The Power of Habit (book)
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Episode 06: Sacrificing to Get What You Want
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
In this episode of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick talk about the importance of making sacrifices to get what you want. They discuss the importance of knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing, the value of time, and how to be laser-focused to achieve your dreams.
Episode Highlights:
- We're always sacrificing something.
- Sacrifice is the act of giving up something of value for something of greater value.
- Jerry talks about sacrificing playing softball so that he could attend his son's Little League games.
- As Jacobe reflected on his topic he thought about mentors who helped him make sacrifices.
- Get real with yourself about what you value.
- Your calendar and your bank account can show you what's of value to you.
- They discuss The Last Dance and Michael Jordan's laser focus.
- Simon Sinek's book helped Jerry to formulate his personal why.
- When you know what you want, you know what to cut out to get where you want to be.
- When things interrupt your plans, you need to rely on your resourcefulness to reach your goals.
- When you get clarity, sacrifice becomes easier.
- Family is Jerry's driving factor. Real estate is a way for him to lead his family.
- Time is the one thing that you can't get back.
- There are alternatives to trading your time for money.
- If you don't know why you're doing something, it will be hard to know what to sacrifice.
- When bad things happen, Jacobe tries to get close to the Lord and find clarity about how to move forward.
- Pressure can be a good thing but in order to grow there has to be recovery and restoration.
- Jacobe talks about going broke for goals.
- Jerry describes how the Profit First method has applied positive pressure to his business.
- Jacobe describes the reflection and vision casting he did at UPW.
- As you look at successful people, they might not have the life that you want.
- Jerry used to make a "never do again" list to help him assess where his time was going.
- Jacobe tells us why he pays someone to cut his grass.
- Today's Time to Invest segment focuses on how there are many ways to invest in real estate.
- You can flip homes, buy and hold, wholesale, use seller financing, and more.
- If you're interested in investing, come up with a plan that will work for you and focus on that.
3 Key Points:
- Sacrifice is giving up something of value for something of greater value.
- Assess the different areas of your life and figure out where you can buy yourself some time.
- Why you're doing what you're doing is very important.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry Weaver Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry and Jacobe Podcast Facebook page
- The Last Dance (documentary)
- Start with Why (book, YouTube video)
- Profit First (book)
- Sean Terry (YouTube)
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Episode 05: How to Make Money in Real Estate
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
In this episode, you'll hear how hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick got into real estate, and some of the avenues that you can take if you want to take advantage of the real estate space. They discuss the importance of defining what you want so you can determine the right path for you.
Episode Highlights:
- The real estate space is full of opportunities.
- Jerry shares the story of how he started in real estate. In February 2013 he took the course and got his license. He landed his first transaction within minutes of licensure.
- Jacobe shares the story of how he started in real estate. His journey started because of his desire for passive income.
- Getting into real estate gave Jacobe the opportunity to be creative and to help people in ways he never had before, while being compensated.
- Everybody is interested in real estate. If someone doesn't own a home, they've probably thought about it.
- There are other ways to get into real estate aside from getting your license.
- When you do get your license, it can be intimidating knowing where to start.
- Take time to really define what it is you want to do.
- You can get your real estate license in 30 days. If you know someone looking to buy or sell, you can send referrals even while you're doing another job.
- There are agents out there that never sell any houses, they just refer.
- Jerry is now trying to build a team to help other agents who don't want to be on their own.
- You can find a team that aligns with what you want to do.
- Showing houses is only one part of what you do as a real estate agent.
- Jerry transitioned from realtor to investor over two years ago. He was surprised to learn that 50% of properties sold don't go through an agent.
- As an investor, the three major paths are wholesaling, becoming a landlord, and flipping houses.
- Jerry and Jacobe share their go-to resources for people starting out in real estate.
- They've both found a lot of value in having a good coach. There are many coaches in the real estate space.
- During the “Time to Invest” segment Jacobe educates us on making our money during the purchase.
- The most important time to make your money is in the initial phase of when you're purchasing the property.
- Investors always buy at a discount.
- Always begin with the end in mind.
3 Key Points:
- There are many paths to success in real estate.
- When you get your license, reflect on what you want to achieve as that will help you determine your path.
- Remember that investors always buy on a discount. You make your money when you purchase.
Resources Mentioned:
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Episode 04: Major Life Events
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
During episode 04 of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick discuss major life events that shaped who they are today. They share about the decision they each made to follow Christ, as well as other key moments, good and bad. This episode will help you start thinking about what the big events in your life mean to you today.
Episode Highlights:
- When Jacobe was thinking back, the earliest life event he recalled was a sweet memory with his dad around age six or seven.
- Jerry experienced a lot of upheaval in his childhood. At eighteen, he wasn't planning on college but with the help of a youth pastor, he was able to go to a small Christian college that got him away from drinking.
- Two of the questions we have to ask ourselves when big events occur are what the event means and how we're going to respond to those events.
- Jerry recalls a time he put his fist through a door. This was a moment in time when he decided he had to get his life right with Christ.
- Sharing stories when you've made a mistake resonates with people.
- One of Jacobe's major life events was making the decision to follow Jesus.
- Jacobe recalls falling asleep in a dorm hallway and not remembering that someone helped him back to his room.
- Jacobe started thinking about what it means to have fun and to have joy.
- Jerry discusses his bankruptcy and foreclosure and how his wife stuck with him and allowed him to rebuild trust.
- Life is going to happen no matter what.
- Jacobe talks about the contrast between the beginning and end of relationships. It is key for him to think about the hope that exists at the beginning of a relationship and the benefit of the doubt that's there.
- Reading the Bible and praying is a big part of getting through tough life events for Jerry.
- It really does take work to seek out the truth and to seek out good people.
- When you think about major events, think about who you had in your foxhole before, and if you would still have them with you after those events happened.
- Getting married and having kids were huge life events for Jacobe, as well as buying his first rental property and graduating from the Air Force Academy.
- Kids magnify who you are as a person.
- Pick good coaches for where you are in your life.
- If you're wondering how to start investing, it's very simple. Just do it.
- Before you start investing you need resources and education.
- You can use your own money to acquire properties or you can use someone else's money. You don't need all the cash yourself.
- You can have the education yourself, or you can partner up with someone who has an education.
- Just get started investing!
3 Key Points:
- Negative or difficult life events can still have positive consequences.
- We decide how to respond to major life events.
- The key to getting started investing is to have resources and education.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry Weaver Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry and Jacobe Podcast Facebook page
- Wild at Heart (book)
- Love That Lasts (book)
- Tony Robbins website
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Episode 03: Learning and Growing
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
During episode 03 of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick talk about the importance of learning and growing to constantly improve yourself. They share about the importance of consuming helpful and inspiring media, as well as why you need a coach to help you achieve more. Today’s episode will help you start asking important questions that will get you on the right path.
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry has always been interested in self-growth. Over the last four years, he has learned how to put himself in the right position to find the right materials and to be coached by the right coaches.
- Jacobe always had coaches growing up as an athlete. He finds ways to take skills he learned as an athlete and apply them to his business and relationships.
- Jerry points out that it can be easy to compartmentalize our lives. One of the biggest shifts for him was bringing all of these components together.
- You need to be learning in all areas of life.
- When you grow it can be painful.
- Jacobe talks about Tiger Woods as an example of someone who got worse in order to get better.
- Jerry learns through the books and podcasts he listens to. He also learns through coaches and the people in his circle.
- It's important to make sure you have the right people in your foxhole.
- You have to transform your mind. What you put in is exactly what you're going to get out.
- Kids magnify your habits and behaviors.
- Jacobe asks himself what his goals are and then asks what he needs to be consuming to reach those goals.
- You can't accept the status quo.
- Several years ago Jerry recognized there were areas he could control more than he thought.
- At first, Jerry was afraid to grow. He was a certain way for many years. He wondered if he would lose some relationships if he grew.
- Jacobe experienced a lot of transformation when he went to Tony Robbins’ UPW event.
- When something happens to you, ask what it actually means.
- Some of Jerry's relationships have changed over the years as a result of his growth.
- When you decide to get better you can invite people to move in the same direction.
- In 2015 Jacobe decided to read more. Before then, he never considered himself a reader. He reads mostly self-help books and the Bible because he is always trying to find truth.
- After reading many books, Jacobe realized that even if you don't remember exactly what you read, reading can keep you on track for your goals.
- Every day when you're reading, you're planting seeds.
- Reading puts you in a mindset to take action.
- The right coach will ask you the right questions.
- The questions you ask yourself are an important part of the process of learning and growing.
- Anything that you want to do, there will be a coach out there that can help you.
- Anybody who wants to be good in anything has a coach.
- Some coaches will help you with specific and specialized aspects of what you do.
- Jacobe teaches us about the importance of making your money when you buy during today’s Time to Invest segment.
- Whenever you purchase something, there's always a retail value or a market price. As an investor, you have to get good at buying assets at a discount.
- You have to be able to purchase the asset below market value to guarantee that you'll make a profit.
- Always purchase assets at a great price.
3 Key Points:
- You need to be learning and growing in all areas of life, even when it’s painful to change.
- Going out of your way to consume the right books will help you cultivate a successful mindset.
- Having a mentor or coach is a key to success.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry Weaver Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry and Jacobe Podcast Facebook page
- Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within
- Man’s Search for Meaning (book)
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Episode 02: Controlling What You Can Control
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
During episode 02 of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick talk about the importance of controlling what you can control. They tell us their strategies for coping with the current pandemic and how they’ve each committed to maintaining a positive mindset and optimism for the future. This message is more important now than ever.
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry recently watched an Inky Johnson video on the subject of controlling your controllables.
- Jacobe provides background information on a former football player, Inky Johnson.
- According to Inky, the things you can control are focus, commitment, dedication, your attitude, and your energy about things.
- Jerry couldn't show any homes in Michigan during the COVID crisis. He decided to control what he could control.
- Jerry prepared his home and thought about the basic resources they needed at home.
- From a work standpoint, Jerry knew investors would still be looking to purchase and moved some of his marketing money accordingly.
- Jerry cut $700 per month out of his business expenses.
- Jacobe shares how he controlled his controllables at the beginning of the COVID crisis.
- At first, Jacobe didn't think COVID would be a big deal. He later made sure he had the bare essentials.
- Make your environment as normal as you can so you can function.
- Jacobe started to feel that control was slipping away. He then made the choice about what he wanted to do.
- Jerry was caught off guard by how emotional he felt. Jerry realized he changed a lot of important patterns in his life. It made a big difference when he got his sleep schedule back on track.
- Ask if you're eating well, how much sleep you're getting, and how much exercise you're getting.
- Jacobe's mental hangup was that he had an amazing first quarter and saw his pipeline start to diminish.
- Jacobe fasted a few times to feel closer to the Lord. He started toning down his news consumption and reading the Bible more.
- Jerry also reached out to some good friends.
- Jerry reflects on how much time he's been able to spend with his children. Jacobe's kids have also loved that he's been working from home.
- What Jerry and his wife have done, from a mindset standpoint, has helped their family through this time.
- Every time something happens, you have a choice to respond positively or you can respond negatively. We always have a choice.
- Don't let fear become the driving factor.
- When you have hope, the future seems bright.
- When you have certainty and control what you can, that will help you move forward.
- Do things that have helped you in the past to build your business.
- Jerry is addressing items that have been on his list for a long time.
- Some companies are using this as a time to improve their systems and processes.
- Jacobe is concentrating on preparing for the future economically.
- During the “Time to Invest” segment, Jerry focuses on what it is you want to invest in.
- We need to make sure we have clarity about what people mean when they talk about finding a good deal.
- The more specific you can get in what you're looking for, the easier it is for other people to find you what you're looking for.
3 Key Points:
- Control what you can control during a crisis. Hold on to your good habits and establish new ones.
- Don’t let fear stop you. Focus on the positive.
- Find ways to keep the ball rolling in a positive way and refine what you’re doing.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry Weaver Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry and Jacobe Podcast Facebook page
- Inky Johnson website, story on YouTube
- Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within
- Man’s Search for Meaning (book)
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Episode 01: The Impact of Relationships
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
During this first episode of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick break down how much work it is to have a good relationship, what habits you need to form to make that relationship work, how to think about the shelf life of certain relationships, and whether you’re really the average of the five people you spend the most time around.
Episode Highlights:
- Jacobe emphasizes forming the right habits to build a strong relationship.
- The first relationship he thinks about is the relationship with his wife.
- Ask what you can do in your relationship to make it better and to move it in the right direction.
- Be intentional with your relationships.
- Jacobe is working on leaving work at work and letting what happened at work that day have no effect on how he interacts with his family. He draws an imaginary line at the door.
- You can build relationships intentionally by finding ways to genuinely help others.
- Being authentic and genuine is of the utmost importance.
- Jerry enjoys sending people books. He recommends his current favorites.
- Jerry loves matching people up and making referrals.
- Connecting others shows the person who needs help that you are listening and shows the person you are referring them to that you see their value.
- Whenever you make a referral, it strengthens the relationship on both sides.
- Not all relationships will be equal. You still have to be genuine about what you're doing.
- Some relationships have a shelf life.
- Jerry shares the story of a friendship that had a surprising shelf life that was based on shared activities.
- Jacobe shares about bonds established in the military and the inevitability of the end to those relationships.
- Jerry discusses his fantasy football league and the close connection they've maintained.
- If you see someone in need you should reach out.
- The idea that you are the average of the five people you spend time with is often linked to money. Instead, we could look at it from a more spiritual place.
- You don't always get to choose who you spend your time around.
- If you’d like to start investing in real estate, start spending your time around the right people.
- Don't act like you know what you're talking about when you don't.
- Put yourself around the right people and it will put you on the right track.
- If you’re thinking about someone you haven’t seen for a long time, take out your phone and send them a quick message.
3 Key Points:
- Good relationships require intentionally creating good habits that encourage growth.
- Some relationships have a shelf life and that’s ok.
- If you want to invest in real estate, begin by getting around the right people.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry Weaver Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Never Split the Difference (book)
- Man’s Search for Meaning (book)
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Introduction to The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Listen to Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick discuss why they decided to start The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast.