The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Episode 37: What Would You Commit To If Your Family Was At Stake?
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe interview Stacie Peterson. She owns a real estate business and lives in Sioux Falls. Stacie started real estate in 2002, straight out of college. She shares her inspirational journey of balancing the aspects of life and prioritizing what matters most. Don’t miss it!
Episode Highlights:
- Stacie started a real estate business in 2002 with a team of five other people, and they shared services, so it wasn’t a traditional team. They shared an admin and put their listings in the real estate book but sold a lot of real-estate.
- Stacie started coaching with a company, and they were teaching team building or how to have other people help you do the things you do.
- Jacobe asks Stacie, “Once you got to that point, or you started to change your thinking that success was all about your job.. When did you think there was a need to change something and then how did you make that shift or transition from there?”
- When you’re at home, you are thinking about business, and when you are at the business, you are guilting yourself of all the things that you are not doing with your family.
- You have to have some humility for yourself because there is who you are in your nature.
- Stacie met Lars Hedenborg, who became her coach, and then worked with him at the real estate B school.
- In Stacie’s real estate career, 70% of her clients were engineers.
- Stacie loves to help people and takes it very personally to fulfill her role.
- As entrepreneurs, sometimes it is really difficult to ask for help and then when you are asking somebody who is not a coach for help, that is even different.
- Stacie gives advice about how to say yes and how to say say no to all the wrong things, and so that you will have pure commitments
- Jacobe asks, “When you worked with Lars, did you already have an idea of what you needed to?”
- When Stacie started working with Lars she started to realize that a business wasn’t as much about the people as the underlying infrastructure and not that the people weren’t important, but a business is the foundation of something.
- Stacie talks about how she transitioned to find Lars and got her business more on track.
- Lars showed me the problems that he was having with his team, and it’s the same thing that I see with teams all around the country, says Stacie.
- eXp offers you multiple ways to earn income as well as grow your business, says Stacie.
- When people are passionate about something, they are going to talk about it a lot, and so you hear that a lot because that is changing people’s lives, says Stacie.
3 Key Points:
- Stacie reveals what success without sacrifice means to her. Stacie initially thought success was money and status, but now she knows that success without sacrifice means “Not giving myself up in the process of what I ultimately determine is success for my life.”
- Many times, realtors, maybe even women especially, take on a lot of personal responsibility for things, says Stacie.
- Stacie has seen all the pieces of a successful team and successful business, but for some reason, nothing feels like a well-oiled machine. It feels like we are recreating the wheel every single day.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Stacie Peterson Facebook | LinkedIn
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Episode 36: Host Jacobe Kendrick Is In The Hot Seat
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
In this episode, Jerry is interviewing our very own, Jacobe Kendrick. He is under the spotlight sharing about his personal life today; He is not really an open book, so he is really excited about what is coming up in this podcast. Tune in and be inspired!
Episode Highlights:
- Being in the military, Jacobe had noticed that during every retirement ceremony be it a Colonel or a General..the first apology they made was to their family. They apologized for not being at football games or birthdays or baseball games or whatever else it was, and so obviously, that was a sacrifice for them.
- Jacobe says that was just one sacrifice that he didn't want to make. His dad was always there for me growing up. He was at every football game, every basketball game. To the fact that Jacobe even thought it was annoying at the time, but as he looks at it now, he sees it as a blessing.
- You hear so many stories about successful people. They have worldly success and then get a divorce or are estranged from their kids or anything else. Jacobe says it is good to think about those things and to have a plan to make sure you keep everything that is important to you in front of you.
- “At the end of the day, I don't want to have those regrets that most people say they have”, says Jacobe.
- Jacobe gives a glimpse of what his current life looks like with his family and his career.
- Talking about his school days, Jacobe never really thought of doing anything else but playing football in the NFL or being a professional athlete..
- Jacobe never struggled a lot, but he is grateful; He has always worked for what he had, that is part of where his work ethic comes from.
- Jacobe's dad was an oilfield pipe inspector. He has two half-brothers and a half-sister.
- Jacobe talks about his best memory from high school football.
- He was in the National Honor Society, top 10% of his class, the Homecoming King, and the class president.
- The Air Force Academy is a great place, but when you go there and are actually in it, you just have a different perspective on things.
- When Jacobe went to the Academy he knew nothing about the Air Force Academy. At that time, he wanted to play football and not join the Academy.
- In the Air Force Academy, in order to play football, you have to have a 2.0 GPA. Jacobe really struggled in the beginning to achieve the GPA; he went from being the best in the class to being the worst in my class.
- Post completing graduation, Jacobe went on a one-year remote assignment to Korea.
- When Jacobe came into the Air Force he was a Communications Officer. When he got out of the Air Force, he was a Cyber Operations Officer.
- Jacobe talks about the interesting Demilitarized Zone between North Korea and South Korea and specified places of entry.
- Jacobe talks about his NFL dream and what that looked like and how that road went?
3 Key Points:
- Jacobe explains what success without sacrifice means to him.
- Currently Jacobe is raising 3 kids, enjoying his family and trying to grow a business. He is running a real estate business and working on being a purple belt world champion in Jiu Jitsu.
- Jacobe tells the listeners what he did in the AirForce and what his job was.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Episode 35: Life Lessons For Growth From Our Tony Robbins Event
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe will talk about some of their takeaways from the Tony Robbins Event and how it will impact what they will be doing moving forward in the future. Jerry and Jacobe say, “When Tony delivers his message, he is actually giving you work to do. He is not just trying to pump you up. It is not a motivation that is going to fizzle out; it is more of a strategy.”
Episode Highlights:
- Tony talks about his events and his experience of the build up beforehand.
- Jacobe shared how he’s been thinking how people get whenever they have something that they want or that they need
- Tony first started talking about how to deal with fear and a lot of the things that are going on right now. He explains that it is actually human psychology how we make decisions when we’re in a state of fear versus being in a different state, says Jacobe.
- Jerry talks about how to control your mind and the responses to fear.
- Jerry has listened to three books,Turning Pro, How To Get It, and How To Gain A Million Followers. He is also almost done with the book called, Hook Point.
- Jacobe says, “We have three simple decisions to make which are: what are you going to focus on?, What does it mean to you? and What am I going to do about it?”
- Tony recommends, “You train your brain that when I say go, I go, and so when that alarm hits, you have trained your brain it is time to go.”
- Jacobe says, “It is an easy decision to stay in bed”.
- Tony shares the three things that you need to have a breakthrough: the state that you are in, the story that you tell yourself, and the strategy you use.
- Based on personal stories, Tony often asks people why they are doing something that they are doing.
- Jacobe lets his kids develop their own stories. He tries to help them see things from different perspectives so they can develop their story. Someone’s story is personal to them, so it is hard for you to make someone change their story.
- If you are obsessed about something and you want something so badly, you will figure it out by sorting all of your ideas.
- The greatest example is ET the hip hop preacher when he talks about the guru and the guy comes out into the water, and he holds the guy’s head underwater, and then he finally lets him up, and the guru asked him, “What did you want more than anything when I had your head underwater?” And he replied it was to breathe. The preacher says, “If you want to be successful as badly as you wanted to breathe, then you will be successful.”
- A lot of times when I wake up and work out, I always feel like the hardest part of my day is already gone, says Jacobe.
- Jacobe says, “When I tell my body to do something, then I want my mind to basically say it is done. So, whenever I tell my body to do it, it does it, and there is a real connection there.”
- Tony tells us that at this moment right now the best thing that you can take care of is your mind- Taking care of your mind and then also taking care of your body and your life.
3 Key Points:
- The most important thing you can do right now, especially in the climate that we are in, is to take control of your mind and how you are processing all that is of the utmost importance because you can’t trust anyone else anymore to take care of you.
- Do you focus on what you can control and or what you can’t control? Do you focus on what you have or what you don’t have? Do you focus on the past, present, or do you focus on the future?
- Why do we have certain stories about ourselves? When you try to change your story, you also can make yourself wrong on things, so a lot of times, we stay in a certain story, we stay a victim of things too, just so we can have that comfort.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.ted.com/talks/tony_robbins_why_we_do_what_we_do?language=en
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Episode 34: The Journey From Failing To Success
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe will talk about failure and success. Jerry says a lot of people's perceptions are that those who experience great success are just super gifted but, if you start breaking down the successful people that we see, that is not the whole picture. Prepare to be motivated and tune in for the discussion!
Episode Highlights:
- Jacobe talks about the career highlights of Hidilyn Diaz, the filipina weightlifter in the Olympics. He shares that his perspective used to be that people who were the best at things were just born with greatness.
- In his book Be Obsessed or Be Average, Grant Cardone has mentioned that 80% of all millionaires are first-generation. It means that – "if I were to become a millionaire, my parents were not millionaires, so I am the first generation in my family to become a millionaire."
- Do you have to be obsessed with something to be good at it? Desire is the thing that is going to keep you going. That is what will help you endure all of the hardship and all of the pain to get to where you are at.
- From baseball Reggie Jackson over 2500 strikeouts, Jim Thome, Adam Dunn, and Sammy Sosa, these guys were considered great hitters, and they all lead the record books in strikeouts. So, you have to fail to succeed. You can't go up there afraid to strike out.
- There is another book by Robert Greene, called Mastery talks, about Charles Darwin and it is mentioned that Charles Darwin says, "People have talent, but a lot of times people with less talent end up doing more than people who have more talent."
- Charles Darwin says he had 8 years where he called it drudgery. Basically, it was boring, but in that time, he developed his skills to become a really good biologist, which led to his later mastery in life. Charles quoted, "The core of intensity of effort is, in fact, a quality that is genetic and inborn, not talent or brilliance".
- Your plan is limited to what you think, so your plan is maybe a lot smaller than your potential. You're not going to grow inside your comfort zone, says Jerry.
- Jacobe says he has learned so much about the failure thing through his kids. They have to fall down to figure out what their balance is. The only way to learn what to do is partly learning what not to do, and that is essentially how we all learn.
- Jacobe talks about COVID and how a lot of us got beat during that. What do we learn from that, and how do we move forward?
- We put too much emphasis on failure. Failure doesn't have as much power as we give it.
- Jacobe suggests, "You can either be fearful or excited about the future, and you can create either outcome in your head, so why not default to the good outcome rather than the fearful and bad outcome."
- Does being anxious prove that you care about something? What do you think about developing the tools for what will be needed next?
- Jacobe always tries to encourage people around him to have good folks around them because you can control a lot of things with your environment and outlook.
- Jerry says, "You don't need to read the book to gain some of the tools to come up with your life plan or a plan many times." "I think I have been guilty of having a really good plan when it comes to my business, especially like sales, but not really having a good plan for the other aspects of my life. I have broken down nine areas of my life that I want to work on a specific plan. I started outlining what I want. I am literally right in the middle of what I would call the heavy lifting for developing a plan for each one of these areas of my life."
3 Key Points:
- In order to be the best, you are going to have to fail more than anyone else. Fear of failing will keep you from becoming what you want to become.
- Failure is actually a gift. The question is, how do you respond to failure? What do you do when that happens? What do you actually want?
- When you fail, what questions do you ask yourself? Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan are often considered two of the best basketball players ever. A key point to note about them is that they did not start out that way. They failed their way to success, and they used that failure to drive them to be the best.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://store.grantcardone.com/products/be-obsessed-or-be-average
- https://www.amazon.com/s?k=authur+robert+greene
- https://www.amazon.com/Living-Forward-Proven-Plan-Drifting/
- https://www.youtube.com/Kobe Bryant on Valuetainment
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Episode 33: Do You Have The Endurance Necessary To Achieve Your Goals?
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe are having an honest conversation about “What really matters most in life.” They are going to talk about Endurance – Starting Strong and Finishing Strong. Jacobe says, “Not to be a flash in the pan”, he further adds that starting strong and finishing strong even when things don’t go as expected is an important concept for everything that you do.
Episode Highlights:
- As many can probably agree, Jacobe says it is easy to start something, and then once that excitement wears off, it can be hard to finish it.
- When someone makes a commitment, a lot of things happen in their mind, like, “Can I actually do this? Maybe I made a mistake that I shouldn’t have? Perhaps I shouldn’t have decided to do that? Do I look silly?
- Once you decide to start something, there is a next step, “How are we going to follow through with that?” According to Jacobe, “We have to always know that when we are doing something that we have not done before, it is going to be harder than we expect. At times the situation is not going to go the way we expect it to go.”
- How you respond to what happens when things don’t go the way you expect them to is like true magic- that is where everything happens, and that is where you make progress.
- Jerry has a habit of making huge commitments, in-fact, he overcommits. Now he looks back on a ton of things that he had committed to it. With few, he had stuck with and worked through it, but there are few that he left in between.
- Recently Jerry committed to a 75 hard – it is a program. It is about physical well being and mindset. You have to drink a gallon of water a day, and you have to do two workouts, and one of them has to be outside, no alcohol, no cheat meals. You have to read 10 pages a day, and you have to follow a diet.
- Jerry has been wrestling with his weight, right now, he is at 2400 calories for the day, and he is really trying his best to stay committed to that.
- Asking more about Jerry’s commitment to the 75 hard program, Jacobe inquires, “Before joining the program, had you already made a decision or were you just thinking that is a really good idea? Then, how did you move into deciding on this?”
- “When it comes to making decisions in life, historically Jacobe thinks them through a lot deeper than I do.”, says Jerry.
- Jerry says, “I am 100% committed to the 75 days, and I don’t know that I am mentally there.” Jacobe says that “Some situation is going to come up where it’s almost literally going to be impossible for you to do everything on that list, and so that is what I think about it.”
- Jacobe affirms he can’t do the 75-hard program because he just can’t commit to it. He discusses how they did the Gallup strengthsfinder test which tells you all your strengths or weaknesses.
- In business, things with our family, with our wives, whatever it is - There is going to come a time when you can’t do something, and “I think there are times when we actually know that happens and then we endure, and we do the right thing; then there are times when that happens, and we don’t do what we’re supposed to do. Now the next question is, “How do you talk to yourself? Are you a failure because you didn’t do that? Or do you get back on the horse and start back up again?”
- Jacobe suggests, “Whenever you are starting something new, always bring up the concept of - Begin with the end in mind.”
- Jerry recalls, “I had COVID pretty hard at the beginning of the year, and my chest still gets tired. I don’t get that deep breath. This is why I have decided to improve my health.”
- Jerry asks Jacobe, “You said earlier, you don’t commit, unless you know you can complete it, so is that like you just either work through it until you get yourself to know that you can complete it or is that just you only want to take on things that you know you can complete?”
- Jacobe shares one of his top strengths is self-assurance, and the other one is focus.
- When it comes to 75 hard, Jerry explains how he got the clarity on what the goal is and that is going to help him with the endurance.
- Jacobe says, “You will have to recharge your willpower time and again in order to achieve your goal.” He says it is essential to think.” Are you setting it up in an environment that you can be successful in?”
- This episode has a special feature about “time to invest”, a concept near and dear to Jacobe’s heart about buying and selling real-estate, that he wants to share with the listeners. He explains the factors that matter to make you money.
3 Key Points:
- Jerry and Jacobe share their journey about how they started the podcast, what challenges they faced, and how they overcame it all.
- When you miss a commitment, how do you quickly get back on the horse and correct it?
- Jerry and jacobe discuss endurance and focus in setting goals and keeping commitments.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Jay Kinder Instagram
- Andy Frisella 75 hard- info
- Grant Cardone- Be Obsessed or Be Average
- Benjamin Hardy - Willpower Doesn’t Work.
- Tony Robbins- Re-Awaken the Giant Within
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Episode 32: Success Does Require Sacrifice with Jay Kinder
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe talk to Jay Kinder - Co-founder of the National Association of Expert Advisors and co-host of the popular podcast, Face to Face with Jay Kinder and Michael Reese. This partnership has allowed them to completely align with agents that want to grow their business and take advantage of the unparalleled revenue share program offered exclusively through eXp Realty. Tune in to hear about his journey to success!
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry curiously asks Jay, “When you hear the word success without sacrifice, where does your head go with that?”
- Jay says, “Everything I have ever done has had a lot of sacrifices.” He advises, “You have to embrace the fact that you are going to have to sacrifice some things to have what you want, to get to where you want to go, and to accomplish your goals.”
- If you are not struggling, then you are not growing. There are things you have to give up if you want to be successful.
- Jerry is intrigued that Jay has clarity on what he is willing to sacrifice and asks him how he finds that.
- Jacobe asks Jay to share how he got to the point where he can do what he wants to do because of previous sacrifices.
- Jay has been in the real estate industry for the past 24 years, he shares his journey with the listeners.
- Talking about his philosophy, Jay says, “In order to make a lot of money, you have to pay people a lot of money.”
- Jay recommends, “You learn so much from all other industries that you just try to adapt, adopt and apply those back to what you are trying to do, and that is where you have those breakthroughs that a lot of times other people don’t see coming.”
- Why do we all have all stock and ownership in the company?
- Jerry asks Jay to talk a little bit about how he has worked out a balance with family.
- Focusing on adding value to people’s lives helps keep Jay on the right track- seeking to understand the goals of others and what they were trying to accomplish.
- Jay shares that he has had some decisions and circumstances that moved him in the wrong direction and cost him a lot of time.
- Getting clarity of vision is really important for getting success. You make your decisions based on your values and your vision.
3 Key Points:
- Jacobe asks Jay, “In your journey from the beginning to the end, did you start out running around with heavy hitters?”
- Jay shares how he got into real estate and what his individual business and team looked like as well as how he got into coaching.
- There are a million things and different tools that you can try to use in your business; how do you handle the distraction part of that?
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Jay Kinder Instagram
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe talk to their very first female guest Arielle Loewen. She is the epitome of what Jerry andJacobe talk about in the Success without Sacrifice Podcast. Arielle's claim to fame is her recent qualification in the Crossfit Games; but she is more than just an athlete; tune in for her phenomenal story!
Episode Highlights:
- Arielle Loewen has been in the crossfit world for 10 years. She is a mom and a wife who recently qualified for the Crossfit Games.
- For Arielle, "Success Without Sacrifice" is Faith, Family, Friends, and Fitness.
- How did Arielle Loewen get into Crossfit? What is her history?
- Jerry asks Arielle to talk about her transitions and shifting priorities in life.
- As a high schooler, Arielle couldn't afford crossfit training, so the gym owner was nice enough to let her clean the gym and clean their sweat towels in exchange for a membership.
- Arielle strengthened her fundamentals at the gym, and post practicing for years, she got qualified in the regionals. From regionals, the top 5 athletes got selected to the CrossFit Games. From 2014 to 2018, her goal was to make it to the CrossFit Games.
- Arielle talks about her wonderful journey as a full-time mom.
- Her husband Dylan is a business owner; He helped carry the load of household work and caring for their daughter.
- Jacobe inquiries, "How did you come up with the 4 F's, i.e., Faith, Family, Friends, and Fitness?"
- Arielle talks about the time when she faced an identity crisis and how she was able to overcome it.
- “Why am I not making it to the next level?" is a question that Arielle continuously asked herself.
- As a licensed realtor, she is currently keeping the career in her back pocket, an option to explore later in life.
- "With all the paperwork and legalities, real-estate is a complex world," says Arielle.
- Arielle shares a hilarious story about his husband spilling jelly beans in front of top athletes.
- From North America, Arielle is one of the 20 athletes that made it to the Crossfit Games which is a massive accomplishment. She will be competing at the end of July-early August.
3 Key Points:
- Arielle Loewen denotes how important Faith, Family, Friends, and Fitness are for her. She also explains how success has no meaning to her without the 4 F's in her life.
- Sharing her story, she narrates how she fed the competitive beast in herself to qualify for the CrossFit Games.
- Arielle shares a powerful message that she sets for her daughter is "Your mom can do several things at the professional front, come home, love you, and be with you."
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Arielle Loewen Instagram
- Crossfit Games: Arielle Loewen
- Book: Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Episode 30: Finding Time To Grow Your Business And Your Life With Lars Hedenborg
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe talk with Lars Hedenborg - Founder of Real Estate B-School, former agent, an awesome father and husband who shares great wisdom for how to win in the workplace and win in the home simultaneously. Tune in to learn from his experiences and great insights!
Episode Highlights:
- If you intend to grow a business, you have to talk about people’s lives and challenges and build systems.
- Traditional success in the real estate industry does not leave you with the life you are living; You have to undergo several challenges.
- Lars got into real estate in 2007 and was wrapped up in work seven days a week with no boundaries. He says there were times where he made sacrifices in a way that hurt people around him.
- Four to five years after he started, he had a fully leveraged team and they did 300+ transactions. He was then able to scale down the days he worked until it was at 1 day and in 2013, he started Real Estate B-School to help agents with building and managing systems.
- Lars shares the backdrop of his personal life, he was married in 2006 and talks about his personal journey to faith. He wanted to create a different life than what he experienced in his childhood.
- The method of thinking and planning for things is a good skill that people need to have.
- When evaluating time, categorize administrative tasks in two ways - A business administrative task and a personal administrative task.
- Lars talks about his everyday thoughts and creating the life for his family that they didn’t think was ever possible; He explains how it was a motivation for him.
- If you’re struggling, do the work necessary to build something good and that will ultimately give you a better life with understanding of why you are doing what you are doing.
- Real estate B-School teaches six stages of business growth.
- Jerry asks Lars, “How did you get into the coaching business?”
- There is a lot of pain and suffering in businesses, specifically in real estate.
- Lars talks about his love and care for people. He genuinely cares about where somebody is in all the areas of his life, and it’s a great way to do business.
- Coaching has a different level of commitment.
- Lars quotes his motivation: “Remember your leaders who spoke the words of God to you, consider the outcome of their way of life, and keep the faith.”
- Jerry asks Lars what coach had the most influence on him and encouraged him to be a coach in real estate?
- Lars discusses his work with Tony Robbins, who has around 130 businesses and is the guy who is still impacting people’s lives at a deep level.
- We all have different findings and experiences if we succeed at a higher level in something.
3 Key Points:
- We try to play a game of real estate on such a high level that we forget about other important things in life, says Lars.
- Jerry asks Lars to talk about his life journey and those things that helped him to keep moving.
- “Looking at your journey, I am wondering - are you more afraid to fail or driven to succeed?” -Jacobe
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Lars Hedenborg Facebook | LinkedIn | Real Estate B School
- Everyday Miracles Podcast
- The E-Myth Book
- No B.S. Time Management Book
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Episode 29: Create The Freedom You Deserve
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe talk to Andy Mulholland, who has such a great story to share. He lives in Minnesota with his wife and 4 kids and has worked in real estate since 2009; He also started his own business with no college degree. His experience has taught him to live a balanced life with success. Get ready to be inspired!
Episode Highlights:
- Andy got his real-estate license in 2009. He doesn’t have a college degree.
- His business boomed, and Andy realized that the sacrifice was too great for the success he was achieving. He also hired team members in order to grow his business.
- In 2018, Andy walked away from his business. Currently, he is running a coaching firm.
- Why do people at different times in their life decide they are going to prioritize success and make some sort of sacrifice?
- Andy wonders why no one at a younger age talked about the importance of relationships.
- Growing up, Andy encountered fractured relationships due to violence, alcohol, etc.
- Like a pendulum, Andy pushed success as far as he could, but it came swinging right back to hit him.
- He talks about his experience as a limousine driver and efforts to remove debt.
- When his real-estate business was growing, at one point in Andy’s career, he just simply stopped caring about the money; For Andy “freedom” is his definition of success.
- When Andy was a broker and had a team of agents, there was one incident that was really challenging for him. His broker license was deactivated due to missing 2 credits.
- Though his license was canceled, Andy still decided to go ahead and show listings to already booked clients as he had so many people dependent on him; A family member who was an agent ended up reporting him.
- Many different coaches over the years have taught Andy unique things; That has allowed him to be financially stable, value life, and give more to others.
- How do you keep the fire burning and stay motivated?
- Jerry refers to Andy’s exit from the real-estate industry as typical. At the peak of success, Andy simply decided to close his business.
- Andy loves to experience and enjoy life. His dream is to live full-time in an RV; He shares exciting and funny stories from his travel adventures with his family members.
- Define your own success. Life becomes a lot easier if you are super clear on what you are willing to sacrifice and what you are not.
3 Key Points:
- Andy shares how relationships gave him clarity about what success really is. Real estate allowed him to have financial success, but it also came at a high cost.
- Jacobe inquiries about Andy’s desire to coach people. Andy is a firm believer of coaching; He would not have achieved so much in real estate had he not believed in coaching.
- Andy says it is easy to make a decision when one is clear about “Success Without Sacrifice.”
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick |Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- Andy Mulholland | Facebook
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode 28: What Is True Success?
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe talk about true success. They discuss the most successful people, how to define success in your life, and how to achieve success without sacrificing the things you love most.
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry says he did a Google search about the two most successful people and the top two were Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
- Jacobe says everybody has their own idea of success. He says he would like to ask Bill Gates, “Do you truly think you are successful?”
- Jerry says he struggled to put David Goggins on the pedestal of the most successful.
- Bill Gates' marriage has failed. Was it a matter of priorities?
- What you want is a definition of success.
- What will you tell your neighbor about success?
- Jacobe says success to him is having a good relationship with his family.
- Being successful in his businesses and doing whatever he wants and whenever he wants and helping people whenever they need help and freedom.
- People can say many things and say what looks good, but what they are doing speaks more loudly.
- In the MMA world, if you have 2 or 3 losses, you can still come back.
- You have to be very talented as the best of the best to have zero losses or not put yourself out there.
- If you develop different things, you will develop your game too.
- “Wins and losses don’t define who I am, I want to be good overall”, says Jacobe.
- Most people don’t think about things until they get to the end of their lives, but he wants to say he has spent the time wisely at the end of his life.
- He always tries to figure out how he would know he has lived 90% of his life already.
- When you are looking at people, or even if you are looking for inspiration, consider the outcome of people’s lives.
3 Key Points:
- If you want to have an extreme amount of money you have to put some time in your work.
- Jerry says that being successful is moving forward in life and he wants to be the most improved player in his life.
- Jerry states what he likes about Jacobe is that he posts not only his wins but also his losses.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick |Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Kobe Bryant and Patrick Bet-David YouTube
- https://biblehub.com/hebrews/13-7.htm