The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Episode 47: Projects That Jerry And Jacobe Are Working On
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
In this episode of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, Jerry and Jacpbe are sharing what they are personally working on and where they are going with it. This is a snapshot of what Jerry and Jacobe are up to, their projects, and how things are going at the start of the year. Are you needing some inspiration? Tune in now.
Episode Highlights:
- 2021 was odd, and Jerry didn’t hit his business goals. When he looked back at it and realized that, he only basically worked half a year because they had about six months of pretty substantial disruption that they had to work through.
- Jerry has started staying focused on what they have going on. He broke his day down into 15-minute increments and knew what exactly he was doing every 15 minutes.
- Jacobe didn’t hit his goals in 2021 and discusses the challenges of the year.
- Jacobe feels terrific about the path that they are set on at the moment because he is definitely on the right track now, especially with the real estate team and then moving forward with goals and health, too.
- Jerry implemented a rule last week coming out of his time study: He is not allowed to talk about homework in the truck with his son, and explains why.
- Everybody thinks they are multitaskers, and multitasking is good, but we are not good multitaskers. No matter how much you think you are, you are not a multitasker, says Jacobe.
- You need to focus on what you are good at and get it done.
- With time studying, Jerry doesn’t have to have anxiety or stress or even spend bandwidth thinking about what he is doing tomorrow because it’s already laid out.
- Keeping your word is a big deal, but there will be times when you can’t keep your word, and it could be a fault of your own, or it could be a fault of circumstance, says Jacobe.
- Stay with the deadline because what builds trust with people is that you come to them before the deadline comes up, suggests Jacobe.
- It is crazy how our businesses and paths are so similar. There are so many similarities in how we do a lot of the same things, like your team structure and my team structure are almost identical, says Jerry.
- Real estate and the world are changing, and you have to adapt to everything, and just doing business with your clients in the small group of people you come in contact with is what Jacobe thinks is a disservice.
- If you end up with an agent that messes you up, that is your fault because you didn’t let him know that this is what you do, says Jerry.
- The greatest commandment is the love of God. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and with all your strength. And the second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.
- The thought in the book The Starfish in The Spider is that if you cut a starfish in half, you get two starfish because a starfish has everything it needs to reproduce if you cut it in half. But with a spider, if you crush the head of a spider, the spider is dead, and so that’s kind of the thought process you want to have.
- Jerry is working on Vivid vision, and that is creating a story of something that you want in the future, but you create the story as it’s attained, so, you put yourself in the present tense of that situation.
- When you are putting yourself in one situation more and more and more, then it just becomes natural, says Jacobe.
- As per Jacobe, you don’t plan to fail, and even no matter where you go, you are going to be a better person because of making plans and then committing to them.
3 Key Points:
- Jerry is working on something that is building the business, he needs to be 100% focused on that. If he is working on something in business-like prospecting, then the hour needs to be dedicated to prospecting.
- When you start getting complex and start trying to build something big and be worth something, you cannot operate in the lazy mentality, says Jacobe.
- A person who always keeps their word is almost certainly living a too-small life. Thus, you will not always keep your word unless you play a small game in life. However, it is always possible to honor your word.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
The Starfish and The Spirit by Lance Ford, Rob Wegner, Alan Hirsch.
Boys should be Boys by Meg Meeker
A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson
The Third Door by Alex Banayan
Real Estate Team Builders (Was Real Estate B School) with Lars Hedenborg
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
On this episode of the Jerry and Jacobe Podcast, they talk with Randy Bocook, who may not be on your radar but they have been talking to him for just about a year now and absolutely have grown to love Randy. He has been in Real Estate for almost 25 years and has mastered the rhythm of balance to prioritize what is most important in life. Tune in now!
Episode Highlights:
- Randy has hard parameters he is unwilling to cross to make sure that his family comes first.
- Randy is blessed with eight kids, and he has been in real estate for almost 25 years now. He doesn’t miss functions; he doesn’t miss practices; he doesn’t miss ball games; He doesn’t miss a lot of things because Randy makes those hard decisions.
- Randy was in coastal Georgia right outside of Savannah, and he always knew that he wanted to be in real estate. He tried to get into real estate when he was 18 years old.
- 3/4 of the stuff that the Bocook Team does when they give back to the community is anonymous.
- Jacobe asks, “How did you make that shift to concentrate on helping people and not chasing the money?”
- “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result,” says Jacobe.
- Randy has learned that you have to reinvent yourself every three years or so in this business. He has done that for the most part because he was trying to find a better way of selling homes and having a better business.
- Have you heard of Trello? Randy explains their experience with it and how it helps.
- “You have a couple of time frames in your life where you transition pretty significantly, and so when you’re going through a transition, were you aware that something needed to change, or what’s the process? or mentor you followed in a specific scenario?” asks Jerry.
- Jerry has been able to step out of his business for the last three to five years, but he still comes to work every day. He doesn’t mean that one has to work a 12 hour day, but one should come to work to be accountable to themselves and what they are trying to get done.
- “We started implementing Profit First by Mike Michalowicz about a year ago, and it’s been noticeably different in our company since we started that,” explains Randy.
- Since joining Exp a year ago, real estate is now fun again. So now he has a new purpose of trying to go out there and build a new company with EXP, and it’s been a beautiful thing.
3 Key Points:
- The more people Randy helps, the more money he makes, which is his way of tithing in another way.
- Randy makes a list of things that will make his life better, and once he has that list done, he slowly starts going through those things and getting them done.
- There was a time when Randy had six kids in private schools and two kids in diapers. So you have to learn how to categorize your time, and you spend the time with them when they go to bed, and it’s magical for you, says Randy.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Randy Bocook Facebook | Website
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Episode 45: If You Are Frustrated, You Are Right On Track To Create Success
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk to Brent Gove. He has an infectious attitude and personality, but he has a way of making you feel as though you are his best friend, and he is just a real inspiration! Brent got out of college and got into sales by the time he was 30. He has been in real estate for about 26 years. He entered EXP over five years ago and it was just life-changing. Don’t miss his story today.
Episode Highlights:
- Jacobee asks Brent, “When we say success without sacrifice, we don’t mean that you can’t have success without sacrificing something. But we do want you to have success without sacrificing the things you love the most. So, when you hear success without sacrifice, what comes to mind for you?”
- Most people work seven days a week or 18 hours a day at their small business, and they sacrifice their relationship with their family and health.
- When people sacrifice their family, finances, health, and faith, it’s tragic. They all are super important. Also, getting a spiritual part of life by communing with God is essential, says Brent.
- We usually get focused on our job, making money, and doing all good things, but what about our health?
- Brent did many odd jobs before climbing the corporate ladder, and he learned to eat fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with banana slices.
- Many people chose Chico State for their engineering program or nursing program, but Brent chose it because it would be the number one place to have a good time.
- When Brent was too hot and heavy in real estate, he and his wife went out on Friday night because on Saturday and Sunday he was a weekend warrior doing multiple open houses.
- Value your faith and your family above the business things. Live your life by your calendar, and don’t be a wandering generality… be a meaningful specific, says Brent.
- Knowledge brings power to changes. You can’t sit watching TV and ask why there are problems in your life. The problem is you, and only you are the solution. So start reading books about parenting, relationship, and finances to increase knowledge.
- Jacobe just read a book called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker, and he will say everything has changed in his relationship with his daughter.
- A salesperson at a diamond, clothing, or electronics store tries to tune into us, asking what we need help with and trying to understand us. So they’re fully present, and they are connecting with us, and that’s how we do business, says Brent.
- Frustration is a precursor to change to succeed, and when you are miserable, you are in big trouble. If you are frustrated, you are right on track.
- If you read books, do podcasts, watch healthy stuff on YouTube, and surround yourself with positive people, you become an optimistic and good person.
- Many people are afraid of making mistakes, but it is ok to make mistakes. Making mistakes is how you live a great life because you learn from it. So if you are not making mistakes, you aren’t getting an impactful life, says Brent.
3 Key Points:
- Failure is a prerequisite to success. You need to fail 2-3 times a day because if you only do it once every six months, you forget the lessons, suggests Brent.
- Brent has been married 30 years, yet he had a massive hiccup in his marriage. Ten years ago, he was faithful, and his wife was faithful, but he wasn’t paying attention, and he had a big problem for about ten months, which was extremely painful.
- If you are looking to grow from a business standpoint, start listening to Ziglar tapes and learning about pumping the pump and having faith, suggests Brent.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Brent Gove Website | https://www.brentgove.com/brents-books
- https://www.poweruprealestate.com/
- mike@poweruprealestate.com
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Episode 44: Who You Are In Business With Matters, with Mike Fritz
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to discuss what matters most to us while seeking success without sacrifice? Today Jerry and Jacobe are interviewing Mike Fritz. He started his career in the construction business, and then Mike was called by the ministry and worked as a Pastor for seven years. After that, Mike started traveling the world and spoke to youth groups.
Episode Highlights:
- In 2016, Mike started his career towards passive income and real estate.
- Jerry shares tht Mike is the one who tipped off Jerry’s CreateSpace, which was an amazon self-publishing tool, and so Jerry was able to publish the book that year.
- For Mike, success is truly succeeding in the three goals for each year, health, wealth, and relationships. Mike doesn't have to worry about sacrifice if he succeeded in his goals.
- Any successful person knows exactly what they want.
- Jacobe asks Mike, “As you are a multifamily guy, please tell me about your history and how you got to this point where you are now?”
- Mike has a firm belief that God places gifts inside all of us, and the one thing that he placed within him was the ability to communicate and he wanted to leverage that gift.
- Napoleon Hill says, “Burn all bridges of retreat.”Mike burned the bridge of retreat and decided to go out. Mike realized that speaking is about the mission only after you get booked.
- Mike is in a multifamily because of COVID full-time. COVID took away his speaking business overnight.
- In 2016, Mike got sued on 9 counts of computer fraud in federal court for file theft during his business failure.
- Jerry asks in the time frame 2016 to 2017, leaving Massachusetts going to Cincinnati and all business loss stress piling on you, who were you leaning on?
- Jacobe asks Mike, “When failure happened to you, what drove you to overcome it?
- Having guidance from company landmarks was transformative because it changes how you see things, suggests Mike.
- Mike likes to act quickly, and he encourages everybody to do something quickly so that your brain knows that this isn’t over and this is just a pivot.
- Mike doesn't know how to prepare people for the storm, but he does know that if you have an internal belief that it is for your good to strengthen you, it changes the way you walk through it.
- Multifamily CEO is a training platform that helps people invest in multifamily property, pre passive income using other people’s money.
- The power of the real estate system is both painful and powerful. You get the feed on the front and back end when you refinance or sell in real estate, says Mike.
- If you are hanging out with people making 100 grand a year, you are getting $100,000 ideas, suggests Mike.
3 Key Points:
- Mike wanted to help speakers grow their platform and get booked. So, he launched a brand and started teaching people how to get booked to speak, build a brand to communicate, connect with the coordinators and book speakers.
- There is hope in accepting 100% of the responsibility for exactly how your life is because you can 100% change it, says Mike.
- Mike explains how he got into real estate, and why he was doing multifamily stuff.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.poweruprealestate.com/
- mike@poweruprealestate.com
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Episode 43: The Journey of Success With AJ Mida
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk to AJ Mida. He started real estate ten years ago, and it has been a wild ride. He has achieved all of his financial goals through it and he now lives this cool lifestyle because of it and he is super grateful for that. Tune in for his story!
Episode Highlights:
- Jacobe asks, AJ, whenever you hear success without sacrifice, what does that mean to you?
- How do you really thrive?
- For real estate agents or an entrepreneur, the grind is where you have to put in the work, and you probably have to sacrifice certain things in your life to achieve the success you want to have, says AJ.
- AJ says that they constantly juggle balls, and some of the balls are glass, and some are rubber. If you drop the glass ball, it will shatter and never return to its original form, but the rubber ones will bounce back up. Same as relationships with your family, those are glass balls.
- Jerry asks, AJ, walk me through the transition of how you started to get clear on your goals because I am assuming you didn’t have the clarity when you started in that hustle grind phase.
- Halfway through the first year in real estate, AJ hired a coach, which taught him to focus. His focus became silver prospecting, and by the end of his first year, he had over 20 listings, which propelled him.
- When you get to know yourself and the other people involved with you, it is like these things are tertiary but not primary, says Jacobe.
- AJ, talks about the mindset shift that has happened for him and the different phases he went through getting to where he is now.
- AJ discovered that running a real estate business can make a lot of money, but it’s hard to have the freedom of time.
- The third stream of income by being at EXP was the revenue share, which is essentially a residual income model for real estate agents, says AJ.
- What does it look like to have a mindset of being ready for an opportunity?
- When it comes to big decisions, we need to have clarity because if you don’t know what you want or what you don’t want, you don’t know if it’s the right decision to make or not.
- AJ says that success without sacrifice for him is enough residual income to pay your living expenses. This is an exercise that AJ learned called dream lining.
- Whenever you hit your goals, your dreams, and you are financially successful, or whatever it is, and if you are at the top, it’s fantastic, says AJ.
3 Key Points:
- AJ always wanted to achieve financial success because he did not grow up with a lot of money and saw many struggles that could come from not having money. So, he wanted to be financially successful.
- AJ always remained open-minded and clear on what he wanted most out of life: Financial freedom, time freedom, and location freedom.
- AJ will build a team or referral network with 500 agents at EXP, where he gets paid a small referral fee on all these transactions. He explains what it is like.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- AJ Mida Facebook | YouTube
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Episode 42: How Do You Change Your Goals?
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about changing your goals. What happens when you have to change your goal or when you set out to do something, and then things change, and you have to adapt? Sometimes things go as planned, and sometimes they don’t. Your short term goals may have to adjust to achieve the same long term goal. What is your “why” that motivates you?
Episode Highlights:
- There are a lot of things wrapped up in your “why”, the driving motivation force that can be who you are and who you are becoming. Your long-term goal will probably stay the same, but your short-term goals and how you get to that long-term goal will probably change all the time, says Jacobe.
- When Jacobe was younger, his dream and long term goal was to play in the NFL.
- Jerry talks about his goals, vision, and how he has expanded his thought process and pushed it out 20 years.
- Jacobe says that he has been doing a lot of training recently about how he doesn’t think he will get something done.
- How do we reinvent ourselves after we have accomplished what we wanted or after what we want has passed, and we no longer are on the path of that goal?
- You have to have a vivid dream
- So often, parents squish their kids' dreams in the idea that they love them and are protecting them.
- Jacobe makes it a point to ask his kids what they want and what they want to be?
- When you are committed to something, you don’t even think about Plan B.
- Hard times are when you are getting stronger, and if you don’t have hard times, you won’t get where you want to be.
- If you have to change your goals on your way to get to that dream, you have to be ready to adjust to that, which will help you move forward to that goal.
- Self-awareness is key in continually achieving goals which means you have always got to be evaluating what is going on to make sure that you are still tracking.
- A very small change over a long period of time is a lot of distance, and a small change in a short period of time is a small change, says Jacobe.
- Jerry explains the position he wants to be in with his business, work, and finances to have the opportunities he desires.
- Wherever Jerry’s kids are in the world, he wants to have the resources to go to wherever they are.
- What things inspire you to continue pursuing your goals?
3 Key Points:
- Goals are not goals most of the time. It is just a track that the industry or whatever had put into place, and these are the things you should probably do, and you should probably aspire to.
- If you look at your goal and you failed, think about all the experience, life, skills, relationships, everything that was brought into your life trying to attain that goal has made you who you are now.
- Jerry is with EXP now and has different responsibilities. His 20 years plan and one-year plan haven’t changed but what it takes to get to the 20 is what he is working around right now.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Book - There's No Plan B for Your A-Game by Bo Eason
- Book - The Third Door by Alex Banayan
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Episode 41: The Key To Work-Life Integration
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about work-life balance versus work-life integration. What is the difference? It is a topic that all coaches, life coaches, and people talk about. Do you know how to evaluate and adjust for a healthy balance in your life? Tune in now for a how-to discussion and inspiration!
Episode Highlights:
- When you just start to think about and break down how your life works and how you look at things, do you find balance?
- Personal growth journey is the journey of trying to better myself and making it intentional for me, says Jacobe.
- You have to know your priorities to get your life in order because only you know what to take care of.
- Jacobe asks Jerry, “How much work-life balance did you have when you were doing the 23 transactions, and then how much work-life balance did you have when you were doing like the 50 or whatever transactions?”
- Jerry says that he doubled up on the workload, but he also became a seven-day-a-week worker where it wasn’t that before. For example, he wouldn’t go to the office on Sunday, but he would show houses Sunday.
- We act like this idea of work-life balance is entirely up to us and we expect our families to be ok when we go to work; But then, when we show up at home, we want them to be ready for us to show up at home.
- A client honors your schedule if you control your schedule for them. If you don’t know what is important for you, you don’t see what you are neglecting.
- Don’t waste your time and then, if you don’t like something on your schedule, you can pay someone to do it, which could be at home or work.
- Jerry suggests you have to have your financial freedom date, too. When will you be financially free, and how much money do you need truly?
- Many people were thinking only about financial freedom, but now with the constraints due to Covid on a lot of things, it brings up a whole different vastness of questions, says Jacobe.
- Your balance or your integration to work and family will be way different from others, and as your kids grow, things will look different, says Jerry.
3 Key Points:
- If you want to have work-life integration and have “balance,” you have to know what you are going for, and you have to have clarity on what you want in your personal life and what you want in your business life.
- Life works in cycles, and we are never on a constant incline or staying constant. So we are either getting better, or we are getting worse, and those are the things we have to think about as well as understanding that there are going to be times when things are going good, and there are going to be times when things are going bad.
- The one thing that we can’t get back is time. Time is the most precious thing that we as humans have but, unfortunately, we don’t know how much time we have left.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Episode 40: What You Desire, Desires You, with Knolly Williams
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
On today’s episode of the podcast, hosts Jerry and Jacobe interview Knolly Williams, an International Speaker, Bestselling Author and a prominent name in the Real Estate industry. Knolly is a Broker, Trainer and Coach to Entrepreneurs & Influencers; His specialty is listings and he helps Real Estate Agents earn a quarter million or more a year working four hours a day and that's what he loves to do!
Episode Highlights:
- Knolly says, ‘Success without Sacrifice’ means that you can have success but you don't have to leave behind the things that you cherish.
- He got into Sales & Marketing and Entrepreneurship when he was 13 years old and started his first business at the age of 23 with $1,800 that he got from friends and family.
- When Knolly was 16 years old he was always writing and aspiring to be a rapper.
- Knolly made his first million when he was 29 years old as a Christian Rapper. They became the number one Christian Rap label in the world.
- There was so much information when Knolly got into the Real Estate industry, that he was able to really read-up on it and do very well.
- Jacobe enquires about Knolly’s thoughts when he made the decision that this is the thing he is going to do?
- Knolly explains that God opened an opportunity for him to completely get away from that life when his uncle came to visit California, and talk about him visiting Texas.
- Jerry recalls his personal growth journey in his 40s.
- Knolly reveals that to be in his inner circle you have to have five agents that you personally sponsor in ‘Mentorship Masters’, a group that he runs. So right now he has got eight members and a lot of other members that are aspiring to be in that inner circle.
- There are a couple of books that Knolly highly recommends if you're really serious about becoming the best version of yourself.
- From a mentor and coaching standpoint, when Knolly was in the business for eight months, he hired a coach and he could not afford it.
- Knolly says that he retired from the game around five or six years ago and now he probably does approximately 10 or 15 Personal deals per year.
- How does Knolly stay motivated to do what he does? How has it changed over his journey?
- In 2009, Knolly’s production in Austin was ranked number seven in the city out of 9800 agents.
- Knolly explains paying off everything and then determining what he needed to make to live.
3 Key Points:
- Knolly was 17 years old and thought he knew everything. When he was 15 he got busted in high school because of drug dealing. This situation led him to start reading the Bible that his mom had given him and he just kept it for good luck. While reading the book he realized why his life is not going anywhere after which he started coming closer to the Lord.
- Most people don't realize that the ultimate goal in this journey of life is to reach your ultimate greatness and then happiness is really a byproduct of living your purpose.
- God gives us a passion and a vision towards something. He doesn't answer every question up-front; he doesn't give us the full picture. He might just give us one step and then we might know how to do that. Knolly says it's not what we do that credits us towards God's favor. They can be the worst groups in the world and God loves them just the same as if they're the saintliness of saints. But the reality is Knolly wants to put a smile on God's face, that's his goal.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Knolly Williams https://knolly.com/world-headquarters
- Book - The Power of Your Subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Episode 39: Leadership For The Benefit Of Others with John Mikesh
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe talk to John Mikesh. He is an inspiration to Jacobe, they were introduced to each other at an EXP event through a coach. John’s work ethic and how he puts plans into motion are noteworthy. Tune in for this inspiring talk.
Episode Highlights:
- John has a wife and a 12-year-old daughter; He tells the listeners what success without sacrifice means to him.
- We have always said we are going to design our best life and our kids along for the ride as long as they are with us, and at the end of that, they get to choose what their life looks like, says John.
- John explains how they took their daughter out of school to travel around the country. We feel like our daughter learned more in that year and a half than she could ever have learned in the public school or private school system, going through the motions in the regular day-to-day.
- As you prepare for a big event and get the honor and the privilege to speak to a large audience, there is a lot of weight and pressure.
- One decision could change somebody else’s life forever. Think about that when you don’t feel like doing something.
- John says he is not willing to sacrifice his potential future or somebody else's potential legacy because of one decision.
- Jerry is inspired by how John leads people, taking that responsibility seriously.
- Energy is everything, and if I have more energy to give, then people are going to receive more from me, says John.
- If I am a leader who cares about the people, I am leading, and I want them to receive as much as possible, that is the leadership I am willing to take on, says John.
- How can you be the best version of yourself?
- The best thing is to build an organization of great people and understand that we need to use this time wisely and continue to grow, strive, and become better.
- Willpower is all about getting around people at that next level and allowing that tide to pull you all up.
- We don’t know how much time we have, that is why we have to use it wisely, and we need to encourage each other in the life journey.
- John always had a very strong work ethic, and he got that from his dad. His dad was working hard, but for him, it was the wrong vehicle, his vehicle was never going to provide him success.
- A desire for freedom and hard work are the two things that gave John the success that he wanted in the real-estate industry.
- John talks about how he joined network marketing meetings. He shares how he met a strong Christian who is successful beyond anything or anybody. He got John on the path of personal development.
- John did not read any book throughout high school, but now he experiences and enjoys learning through a different filter. His experience in learning is something that can give him tools to help him achieve freedom.
- John shares how his visit to non-denominational Christian worship changed his approach towards life and work. At the end, John gave his life to Christ, and it wasn’t all rosy after that, but he made some commitments that day about what his life was going to be.
- John talks about his continuous struggles and how his career was not an easy ride for him.
- Now John has transitioned from an independent real estate company to Exp, which is not a network marketing company but has a very comparable model. He talks about the difference that it makes.
3 Key Points:
- John shares how he entered real estate and how he carved a niche without any formal education.
- EXP is not just another brokerage option, it is an entirely different vehicle that will get you to where you want to go in far less time.
- Jerry inquires, from where John gets his inspiration, is it like a step-by-step thing that he realized and then made his decisions?
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- john@johnmikesh
- Book: Will Power Doesn't Work - By Benjamin Hardy
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Episode 38: How Do You Make Decisions?
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about how the quality of our life is the quality of the decisions that we make. Are you a decision maker? Tune in for this valuable insight to not only improve your decisiveness but also your life!
Episode Highlights:
- There was a huge portion in Jerry’s life where he didn’t really make decisions but instead, just reacted to everything.
- Jacobe says that a lot of times we don’t think about the decisions that we are constantly making.
- Tony Robbins always says that in order to get good at something, you have to do it over and over again and so making decisions over and over again is how you get good at it.
- Jerry talks about the 75 hard program where he learned a lot of good decision-making tools to put in place.
- Tony Robbins in his book Awakening the Giant mentioned that you have to realize that the hard step in achieving anything is making a true commitment, a true decision.
- People who fail usually make decisions slowly. They change their minds quickly and they’re always bouncing back and forth.
- If you take a decision that you’re facing and then choose to not do anything, it is almost like not making a decision at all, says Jacobe.
- You are supposed to count the cost before you do anything.
- Jacobe says that when the inevitable happens, instead of beating yourself into the ground, learn something- ask yourself, “What is good about this?, What can I learn from this?”
- A failure may be an unbelievable gift in disguise if you use it to make better decisions in the future.
- The other thing Tony Robbins says is that rather than focusing on the short-term setback, instead learn lessons about what can save you time, money or pain and that will give you the ability to succeed in the future.
- Being clear on what you want and what you need is the key factor in making a decision.
- It is good to have mentors because sometimes you may not know what you want to do but you know you want to be like that person because you see something in them that inspires you.
- You don’t necessarily always have to have more, you might already have everything that you have wanted, says Jacobe.
- If you want to make more money you need to say how much more money you want to make, for example.
- Jerry asks how many buyers end up with what they said they were going to get? Oftentimes, at some point in the process it goes from a really logical decision to a very emotional decision.
- Tony Robbins has quoted in his book, “It is in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”
3 Key Points:
- Decision making means that you are cutting away all the other options to do anything.
- Many people don’t make decisions when a decision needs to be made but not making a decision is also a decision in itself.
- You have to be razor sharp; razor clear on what you want because that’s the world we live in now.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.tonyrobbins.com/events/
- https://www.amazon.com/Awaken-Giant-Within-Immediate-Emotional/dp/0671791540