The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Today on The Epic Agent Success Podcast, Jerry and Jacobe are talking about buyers. What is happening with the crazy market? What are buyers saying now? Knowing that buyer demand is down, how do you get them off the fence? Tune in for all the important details.
Episode Highlights:
- What is the rollercoaster of emotions that real estate agents have been on the last couple of years with COVID, rates, etc?
- Jerry talks about how it was a rough spring and summer for buyers as he would have clients go out every weekend and help them write offers over list, waiving contingencies, etc.
- Jacobe says, “I think buyer demand went to the basement here.”
- How are you going to pivot and make it work?
- Jerry talks about how the booming business with low rates and everybody buying had a lot of downfalls too.
- Jacobe talks about the unique circumstances in his market that he hasn’t seen before.
- Sellers for a while were not required to do anything to sell. Now it is time to do the things required and make sure you price it right.
- From the public’s perspective, all you are seeing is a lot of price reductions and then hearing the media saying there will be a market crash. Jacobe warns that then you are not really getting the full picture then.
- How is it going for wholesalers?
- FHA buyers are coming back around along with first time buyers and those who couldn’t compete in the housing market earlier in the year.
- Rent rates are way up which is forcing people to be buyers in Jerry’s market.
- Jacobe says agents are telling him that many people are holding off for rates to come down but Jerry says in his market rates are not even a conversation.
- Jacobe asks Jerry where he is finding the leads for the buyers that are motivated even without this market changing.
- What type of buyers are now staying put?
- Jacobe talks about how they are trying to counsel younger, inexperienced buyers.
- Could now still be a good time to buy because of less competition?
- What is the 2-1 buydown?
- Jerry talks about the strategy he likes right now. He says, “As agents, we have to do our work and know what options we can give these buyers.”
- Jacobe talks about the real conversations that should be had with buyers so that they can make the best informed decisions.
- What about referrals? Where is the value that you can bring specifically to the buying/selling process right now?
- Jerry talks about their VIP buyer advantage program.
- What do you say to everyone who is hearing and saying that it is a terrible time to buy?
- How does Social Media impact leads? Jerry talks about how being on TikTok has given him conversations with younger buyers that need help.
- Jacobe shares a story about a lead that came through YouTube and was ready to make an offer after a video walk through.
- There are buyers it is just different than what most agents have been used to.
- What about working with investors?
3 Key Points:
- Over the last couple of years, there has been a roller coaster in real estate from challenges with COVID to low interest rates with huge influx of buyers to now a market that is quickly shifting again.
- How is the buyer demand doing across different markets? Jerry and Jacobe discuss how the type of buyers has changed.
- What are the pros and cons of the current market? What are the pros for buyers now and how does it affect your real estate business personally? Jacobe points out that competition for buying is down and high rental rates are another driving force for clients.
Resources Mentioned:
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/444333123042225
- https://www.facebook.com/jacobe.kendrick
- https://www.facebook.com/jerry.weaver.165
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFMBPTdQYerCJVuXM0_WiQ
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Episode 66: Should You Join A Real Estate Team?
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Today on The Epic Agent Success Podcast, hosts Jerry and Jacobe are talking about joining a Real Estate Team. Should you join a team? What are the qualifications and what do you need to look into if you are thinking about it? Is there a difference between a team and a brokerage? Tune in to hear all that you need to know about it.
Episode Highlights:
- Real Estate teams are more prevalent than they have ever been before. Jerry says there is confusion around it, some people assume that it is just about brokerages.
- What is the difference between a team and a brokerage?
- You have two options when you go into a brokerage. Jacobe talks about them and breaks down the pros and cons.
- Jacobe asks Jerry why he chose to originally be a solo agent rather than joining a team.
- Two of the big questions are “What is the value that a team brings?” and “Are all teams created equal?” How do you know?
- Jacobe talks about a team that he interviewed with and experiences he has heard from other agents.
- Everybody tells you that they have training but are they actually thoroughly providing that? Jacobe talks about how training is actually now very prevalent in real estate.
- What is a cap and what are splits? Jerry reviews them and what the averages are. There can also be transaction fees.
- What about a mega team with eXP?
- Jacob talks about evaluating what everything means with so many different options.
- What kind of brokerage do you want to be a part of? A broker cannot provide value to you if they don’t have any revenue.
- Jerry talks about how he was with a low fee brokerage for 8 years. He talks about what he has to pay for in addition to that though.
- Jacobe talks about his first experience with a team which was a large franchise.
- What should you look for as you’re looking for a team? What should you avoid?
- Closing more deals and being able to have a life also should be the value a team provides.
- What are you looking to make? Awards and rankings don’t mean much if you aren’t actually articulating and executing what matters to you.
- Are you losing valuable time? Jacobe talks about the intangible treasure it is and how many don’t spend enough time evaluating it.
- The distinction has to be made between money making activities and those that are not. A good team will be supporting your abilities to do that.
- Everyone is going to tell you that they can give you leads. Jacobe says you must ask what kind of leads.
- What about leads that you need to nurture and follow up with for future business?
- Many places can provide information of people who have clicked buttons to see pictures of houses but those aren’t actual leads. Jacobe says that you should see the proof in the statistics of other team members of where their lead sources come from.
- Are you going to be able to be successful because the team is helping you close deals?
- You have to know what activities are considered support services and should be allocated elsewhere especially if you're doing a high volume of deals.
- What about building new business, not just what is here and now?
Resources Mentioned:
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/444333123042225
- https://www.facebook.com/jacobe.kendrick
- https://www.facebook.com/jerry.weaver.165
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFMBPTdQYerCJVuXM0_WiQ
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Today on The Epic Agent Success Podcast, host Jerry and Jacobe share their experience at the Tony Robbins event in West Palm Beach, Florida that they just returned from. Tony is full of energy and inspiration but also true practical techniques to change your life. Jerry and Jacobe have all the best takeaways. Tune in to hear!
Episode Highlights:
UPW stands for Unleash The Power Within; It is Tony Robbins special program that Jacobe has experienced a few times and Jerry experienced for the first time.
Jerry was wow’d by the four days of the UPW program.
Tony Robbins' life did not give him the gift of crazy energy or success. He conditioned himself and built himself up.
Jacobe shares that Tony gives actual techniques to change your life, not just simply motivation.
Jerry says his personal take was clarity on what he needs to do with motivation.
You have a choice between being positive and negative, between being apathetic and being motivated and moving into doing something. You can be slowly lulled into going with the flow and accepting how things are rather than taking an active role in your steps.
What does it mean to be “in a beautiful state”?
How can you condition yourself to change?
Emotions have triggers and your body reacts to it in different ways if you pay attention. When you’re in the emotional state, you are not resourceful.
Jacobe explains how he thinks often about how quickly you can switch from one state to another and how he dwells on things too long because he thinks that is going to help him more the next time.
What is your “emotional home”?
This week Jacobe had one of the worst transactions in his entire career and was able to apply these concepts directly.
At the event, “walking on fire” is the big thing everyone talks about. Tony has you address fear. When you try to pull it away from you, it has control over you but if you learn to harness it, you can use it to your advantage.
You have to prepare for whatever is coming up.You move with a purpose to get to the other side.
The “how” of getting to the goal is not the focus. The goal is the focus. Jacobe talks about the practicality of this in practice.
You have to snap yourself out of the questioning that distracts you from the goal.
How do you keep from putting a cap on your potential and the potential of others?
You get results based on your actions and You do things when you have certainty but how do you get it?
How do you build your belief and certainty in something before it actually happens?
Being in the present state that you’re in right now is so important for deep relationships and success. If you're always trying to live in the future, you miss it. There has to be a good balance of what you want the results to be and then you have to have actions of follow through and thoughtfulness.
Closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be is the topic of the second day with a focus on lasting change.
You have to change your language; You have to change out your “should” for “must”.
- You have to change your language; You have to change out your “should” for “must”.
- The third day of the event is transformation day -eliminating your inner conflicts. Jacobe gives examples and how they burden you and your journey to where you want to be. Your subconscious mind can really get in the way.
- Your beliefs have been conditioned in your brain from so many places you don’t even know. At the event, you go through a process that challenges who are you, what you say, and what you do.
- What are the limiting beliefs in your life and how do they stack on top of each other?
- Jacobe shares how the last day for them brought everything full circle. They talked about how a 2 millimeter shift can be the change to everything. What does it mean ? What could it look like in your life?
Resources Mentioned:
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/444333123042225
- https://www.facebook.com/jacobe.kendrick
- https://www.facebook.com/jerry.weaver.165
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFMBPTdQYerCJVuXM0_WiQ
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Episode 64:Do Real Estate Agents Need A Coach?
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Today on The Epic Agent Success Podcast, host Jerry and Jacobe are covering the topic of coaching. How do you know if you need a coach? How can you find a coach or mentor that is right for you? Tune in and find out.
Episode Highlights:
- Coaching has exploded in all fields and for all ages. You can get coaching for just about anything you can imagine. Jerry and Jacobe talk about how prevalent it is in sports.
- What about coaching for marriage or other life situations?
- What does coaching look like for real estate? Jerry talks about how in the beginning of his real estate career he did not know it existed.
- Jacobe talks about how when he got out of the military he set out to figure out real estate and passive income and the first time he got introduced into coaching.
- Who needs a coach?
- Jacobe talks about the importance of a different, outside perspective.
- Jerry advises that coaches can help reduce the time it takes you to get from one thing to the next.
- An abundance of information is of no use to you without the wisdom to know what to do with it.
- Jacobe talks about how he couldn’t fathom what to do with his time when he started in real estate and then he found a coach named Kevin who he decided to get on a plane and meet a conference. Kevin said he would help sell every listing that he took.
- A coach can bring out your full potential that you may not be able to see.
- How much should a coach cost?
- Jacobe shares a personal story of how coaching got him through hard times.
- Do you know your core values? Jerry talks about how he has grown in his core values and decision making based on them.
- What are your non-negotiables?
- When looking at mentors, there should be proof that they have gotten other people where they needed to go. How do you know?
- Are VIPs beneficial at events? Jerry and Jacobe weigh in with their thoughts.
- You really do take a step of faith when you buy into courses and say yes to coaching but it is worth it.
- Networking happens through coaching groups and conferences as well. They share their personal success stories with it.
- How do you expand and see what is actually available?
- Avoid being stagnant. Reassess. Set aside the distractions and get back on track and focused.
3 Key Points:
- Coaching has exploded in all sectors in recent years. Jerry and Jacobe talk about how it has evolved and their personal experiences.
- Who needs a coach? Jerry and Jacobe discuss how coaches have a valuable outside perspective and can help set strategic goals.
- A coach can bring out your full potential that you may not be able to see.
Resources Mentioned:

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Episode 63: Achieve Real Estate Success In 90 days By Hitting These Key Rocks
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
How do you go on the journey of beginning brand new in real estate all the way to the success of being a multiple six-figure real estate agent producer? This week Jerry and Jacobe talk about how you crush your goals and how you know what to do in order to set up going into the year and going into the future and not be questioning what is going to happen. Don’t miss it!
Episode Highlights:
- What is working in a 90-day window with setting up “rocks”?
- How do you set goals and how do you decide what is actually going to work? Jacobe talks about setting goals in January that then in February-March feel so far away and unattainable.
- Jerry talks about a planner system he used years ago and how the concept has evolved to today.
- What is EOS? Jerry talks about the basis for it and how the coaches in his life use it.
- Jacobe talks about how companies use quarters and how you can break it down systematically.
- How many times have you made the list of things you’re going to do this year and at the end of the next year you go to write that list and you could almost photocopy the same thing? Jerry talks about the struggle of repeating things to yourself that are “on your list” but never getting to them.
- How do you break it down, make it simple, and choose “a rock” - the one thing that you’re going to work on that will make the most change in your business?
- What is the one glaring thing that needs to be fixed?
- Is your year seasonal or not? Jacobe mentions how as an agent- January and February are always going to be a slower time of year.
- Jerry advises to get in touch with your business. As a new agent that is hard, you won’t know exactly what that is but he had some advice to break it down.
- In a time frame of 12 weeks for a quarter, you will need to have weekly check-ins to stay on track.
- Jacobe describes how they track appointments, under contract, and closing.
- What are your key performance indicators? How do you come up with them?
- Jerry talks about what to do when you realize you are off track from hitting your goals.
- What about when ‘life happens’ after you set all of your rocks? Jacobe brings up to the topic of what to do when the unexpected comes.
- What about recruiting to your team?
- How do you protect your rocks? You have to set them as non-negotiables and make your calendar match accordingly.
- When you’re starting out, you need to be laser focused on getting those first clients. Jacobe recommends 6 clients as a healthy goal.
- What should your broker know?
- What about mentors? Networking? Referrals?
3 Key Points:
- Jerry and Jacobe discuss the importance of setting up a 90-day window and how it helps to keep you on track to attainable goals.
- A “rock” is the one thing that you’re going to work on that will make the most change in your business. Jerry and jacobe discuss the quarterly system they use to set “rocks” for effective business growth and success.
- What are the most important things to track for lead generation? Jacobe talks about the process you go through from prospecting to selling clients.
Resources Mentioned:
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/444333123042225
- https://www.facebook.com/jacobe.kendrick
- https://www.facebook.com/jerry.weaver.165
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFMBPTdQYerCJVuXM0_WiQ
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Episode 62: Jerry & Jacobe introduce ”The Epic Agent Success Podcast”
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Today is special as Jerry and Jacobe Introduce, “The Epic Agent Success Podcast” with a new vibe to bring all of their listeners more value. Success in the Real Estate Industry is going to be a key focus of the show going forward. Tune in to hear all about it!
Episode Highlights:
- Jacobe heard a crazy stat that 70-80% of agents haven’t even sold three homes this year. How is that possible?
- Jerry explains the mission and desire to help people sustain their business and move forward.
- How do you not have to wonder where your next lead and business is going to come from?
- Jerry shares his story of where he came from and how his real estate journey began.
- Jacobe talks about how he started as an investor and he still remembers the day he decided he wasn't going to be doing his regular job anymore.
- Where can you get your first deal?
- Are you fired up about having your real estate license? How do you express that and let people know?
- Everybody knows an agent. How do you get chosen as the agent?
- There is too much going on and people are thinking about many things at any given time. How are you going to truly stay top of mind?
- Jacobe shares about his first deals in real estate. He was doing bandit signs with a google voice phone number.
- Where are you going to find the next deal? Jacobe talks about how relationships matter.
- Jerry shares a couple of things he did his first year that worked.
- How do you use 1 deal for multiple posts?
- You don’t have time to wait around. You need to find a spot where people are looking for houses. Jacobe gives advice.
- You need to have a profile on all the platforms and the link to your website needs to be there.
- There is no shortage of gadgets and bells and whistles to pay for in the industry. You need to get clear on what you need before you just keep paying for a bunch of things that don’t make you money.
- Jerry and Jacobe review the main points and tips for success starting out in real estate.
3 Key Points:
- The “Epics Agent Success Podcast” is the new version of The Jerry and Jacobe podcast that is narrowing its focus on creating success in your real estate business.
- Jerry shares his previous work experience and how his real estate journey began.
- Jerry and Jacobe talk about the things you should focus on as a new agent and how to get repeat and referral customers.
Resources Mentioned:

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
On today's episode, Jerry and Jacobe are talking about your first 90 days in your endeavor as a real estate agent; What are some of the things that you should be thinking about? They share personal stories and what they wish they had known then that they know now. Don’t miss out.
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry reminisces about when he first started in the business. He remembers thinking he was ready to go and was waiting for support but didn’t even know what his questions were supposed to be.
- Before Jerry got into real estate, he worked in heating and cooling and then was recruited by the guy he worked with.
- Jacobe talks about how the requirements have changed since he started in real estate. He never planned on being a real estate agent.
- How do you go from passing the test to finding your first client to running your business?
- What is the conventional wisdom when you get your license? What does everybody tell you to do versus what you should do?
- What CRM are you going to use?
- Jerry talks about how the industry has a lot of noise with gadgets and tools and software.
- There are a lot of teams out there but how do you know what would be right for you?
- Let everybody know that you are a real estate agent.
- What is the difference between a prospect and a lead?
- Where is the value? Does a team bring you enough value or not? Jacobe says everybody gets caught up on splits. It is a big conundrum for new agents.
- If you’re in it for the long game, having less deals is a problem for a real estate agent.
- When you’re not worried about money, you can better serve your client.
- You have to know the value of a lifetime client.
- If you know the real estate game, you know it is about the speed that you can do transactions.
- Jerry talks about how one condo sale turned into seven more deals with the same family and he has other stories just like it.
- How do you build a strong database?
- Jerry says when you’re new, take every deal that you can.
- Don’t lose sight of the money that you’re talking about.
- Be active on Social Media. When you’re trying to get the word out that you are in real estate, you need to use that tool to your benefit. It is your number one marketing platform for free.
- Jerry talks about how many posts you can get off of one transaction.
- Three things that helped Jerry was previewing houses, creating comparative market analysis and evaluating the results, and knowing what is on the market; Doing those things helps you become the expert.
- Jacobe talks about how valuable and crucial the skill of comparative market analysis is for an agent.
- People will always ask, “Is now a good time to sell?”, “Is now a good time to buy?” and “How is the market?” You need to have an opinion.
- Know what the money making activities are and make sure you are doing them.
3 Key Points:
- There is a large gap between what you study to pass your your real estate test and what you actually use everyday, starting at day one.
- Everyone has to live somewhere so anyone with financial capability to purchase a home is a potential prospect. Keep that in mind and start talking to people because relationships are number one is growing your business.
- Jerry and Jacobe say the number one thing that teams promise is leads but there is a clear distinction to make between prospects and leads.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
On today's episode, hosts Jerry and Jacobe are talking about mentors. How do you find a mentor? How can a mentor take you to the next level? Jerry shares how he was raised to hide his weaknesses and show only his strengths. As per Jacobe, investing in coaching programs is like investing in yourself. Tune in to hear how mentoring has impacted their life and could impact yours.
Episode Highlights:
- Proximity is power, and in order for you to get where you want to go quickly, you need to be able to find a mentor, somebody that can help you, says Jacobe.
- The concept of hiring a coach was totally foreign to Jerry. He had no idea about the development and growth and having coaches and understanding the value of coaches. He thought everyone was out there figuring it out on their own.
- Jerry came across a coach out of desperation. He was into real estate selling 24-25 houses a year. He built himself up and he was doing 46 deals one year all by himself, no assistant, no transaction coordinator. He was working seven days a week and it became desperation for him to need somebody to help him.
- Jacobe had the same story as Jerry, though he had coaches for sports and mentors in his air force career, but he had the impression that one should have their life figured out and they shouldn't need a coach.
- Jacobe talks about a one-day event that he attended and that ultimately led him to join the full program offered by the company. Luckily for him it started his real estate career off in the way it needed to be started.
- Jerry met his mentor through a referral and for him this kind of gave him a stamp of approval.
- Jerry shares how he was totally bankrupt and still signed up for a coaching program using his last left credit card balance. This was the one of the best decisions that Jerry took, and it changed his entire real-estate career.
- Talking about the benefits of coaching, Jerry points out how it is an excellent way to build relationships with like-minded professionals.
- When hiring a coach Jerry first analyzes his needs and figures out what it is that he needs improved upon.
- Jacobe has reached a certain point in his life where he looks for finer details before he hires a coach. He enquires, what are they, who are they coaching with? Do they have coaches as well? Do they have mentors? Who are their mentors and what do they look like?
- Everybody gets into business for a reason, especially real estate and that is to have a life, have freedom and then while in the job you realize it sucks the life out of you. This is something that a coach can very much help with to give a balance to your life and help you achieve your professional goals.
- Jerry shares how apart from his coaches there were many people in his life who had helped him and guided him to pursue the correct path.
- You always have people you look up to and they are the short-term mentors of your life, says Jacobe.
- If you don't have a mentor, you need to find one. Doesn't have to be someone you pay money to, but paying somebody money is the easiest way to find a mentor to get to where you want to go, says Jacobe.
3 Key Points:
- Jerry and Jacobe discuss the different ways to find a mentor. You could find a mentor just wherever you work. But a lot of times the best way to find a mentor is you end up having to pay them. You pay them for their time.
- Jerry talks about the people whom he had met in his coaching program and how it has been so encouraging to watch so many people move in their journey.
- Jacobe recommends investing money on yourself for your professional or personal growth; don't invest it in cars or other luxury items. You can buy that stuff later after your work is done.
Tweetable Quotes:
- "Even this day I have this whole world that I am a part of that doesn't really know who Tony Robbins is." - Jerry
- "Every time you find a mentor, especially folks that have these mentor programs. There is going to be a price involved, and whenever that price comes up, there is always a sticker shock no matter what." – Jacobe
- "Whenever you go into those programs, you just get a new perspective, and it just opens up so much more to your mind that is possible." – Jacobe
- "Mentors are going to have an effect on you, down the line and sometimes you can't tell what all that is going to look like, but you should at least take it into consideration, when you are thinking about, you know, joining up with someone." - Jacobe
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Episode 59: Do You Have A Vision For What You Want?
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
On today's episode, hosts Jerry and Jacobe talk about vision. Without a proper vision, people perish. If you don't have a vision, you don't know where you are going, you will be riding on somebody else's chariot to their destination. When Jerry continuously got rejected in interviews with different organizations, he thought that his spot was always to be second in life. It wasn't until Jerry started hanging out with some different folks and they got into a coaching program, and somebody told him, life is there for you to go get and there are things in your life that you need to work towards getting; For him, that's been a huge shift. Tune in and be inspired, strengthen your vision, and plan your next right step to success.
Episode Highlights:
- We all have a vision, it is just that we don't necessarily think about it, says Jacobe.
- There are people out there that don't have a vision, they have a worldview, and they have an idea of life, but they don't have a vision of what their life is supposed to look like, says Jerry.
- Jacobe suggests that a lack of vision is a vision, the fact that you don't think you can be number one, that is your destination.
- Jacobe always wanted to play football when he was growing up and that was his vision.
- Growing up, the only vision that Jerry had was to avoid being in his house. Outside of not having a vision, he became really good at avoidance.
- For Jacobe the main part is just figuring out what he really wants and what he desires.
- On Jerry's vision Board is a house with a big, long porch overlooking a little field with a dock and a pontoon boat and a couple of the Cracker Barrel rocking chairs on the porch.
- Money is going to be the magnifying glass to all the things in your life. Because to do all the things in your life, to do anything in your life you need, there has to be a money component, says Jerry.
- Jacobe talked about the NFL as his vision, that was his dream. He shares what it felt like when he had to decide that it was no longer going to happen or was no longer his dream.
- Jacobe says that it's hard to go to the NFL from a service Academy as that is not the focus of life at the United States Air Force Academy.
- Jacobe talks about his NFL dream and how he prepared himself to achieve that. For one whole year he worked out three times a day.
- During the initial years of his career, Jacobe did everything that was in his capacity to be in the NFL. Jacobe's favorite team growing up with the Dallas Cowboys and the team that talked to him at the Pro day was the Dallas Cowboys.
- As per Jacobe, having a vision of a destination is important, because you have a reason ‘why’ you desire the things you desire.
- Jacobe shares what he learned from football, when he was at the Academy, going through high school, and his team.
- Jacobe talks about his kid and how he is really interested in basketball.
- Think about your goals every day, write your goals down every day, then determine if you are actually doing the things that matter. If you are not doing what moves the needle, then why are you doing it?
3 Key Points:
- Jerry and Jacobe talk about creating vision boards and what all they add in it.
- From his experience in football Jacobe shares how giving 100% in anything that you do is important no matter what the outcome.
- Jacobe shares how on a daily basis he uses vision that keeps pushing him forward.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
On today's episode of the Jerry and Jacobe Podcast, Sergio Nazzaro joins the show. He is a real estate extraordinaire from 8 Z Real Estate. He feels a responsibility to take agents and motivate them to become partners and owners within the company and meet their goals. Tune in.
Episode Highlights:
- For Sergio "Success Without Sacrifice" is all about figuring out what your priorities are and making sure that the decisions that you make on a daily basis are in line with those; It is about making sure that his values align with who he is as an individual.
- Sergio was previously living a strict life that didn't really align with what he was trying to do. So, his check-ins now are trying to create moments of silence throughout the day, whether that's on a walk or driving home with the radio on. The second way of check-in for Sergio is having deep conversations with his wife, Rae, making sure that she feels connected and aligned. The last method of check-in is working out so that it brings up a lot of internal voices.
- Sergio talks about what the internal voice is like. He also considers and reflects upon the question, "Is he leading by example for his family and the people in his organization?"
- Sergio talks about approaches, intensity, and focus.
- Marriage changes things and how you operate and other relationships. But when a kid comes to your life it changes and lots many things, says Jerry.
- 24 months ago, Sergio became a partner at 8 Z Real Estate, with his new role came additional responsibility. At the same time, he took on the role of Director of coaching and training as well.
- Sergio has seen agents who are willing to work because they have a strong ‘why’ behind what they are doing, and they are the ones that succeed.
- The real estate agents who are just doing the job because they thought it was going to be an easy buck, don't do well and also the ones that don't do well are the ones that lack self-confidence.
- People don't actually want what they think they want, says Sergio.
- Sergio doesn't love selling homes, but he loves seeing people's faces when they buy their first home.To him, that's super rewarding.
- Jerry, Jacobe and Sergio talk about the struggles of their parents and how they did not realize love when growing up.
- Sergio talks about his passion for making videos and how he creates them.
3 Key Points:
- When COVID happened, business and life changed. Sergio had to re-figure the business. He was doing buyers consultations and listing consultations on camera. Having a kid had forced him to drop things off his plate in the best way possible.
- Sergio shares his thoughts on "Why is the failure rate so high for real estate agents?"
- Jerry, Jacobe and Sergio discuss how their child changed their perspective towards life and how they have changed as a person.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/
Sergio Nazzaro: