The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
On today's episode, hosts, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about your X Factor. What is your X Factor in business? What makes you different from everybody else? What makes you different from the competition? Jerry and Jacobe also discuss how being in the business a long time doesn't necessarily mean that a person is a good agent. In our society we like to say don't stand out, but you want to stand out, you want to be different, and you want to make the decision to pick you an easy one; Tune in for the best insights!
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry says to determine what it is that you specifically offer your clients.
- Working on what makes you different can sometimes be hard to figure out. There are two pieces: what makes you different as an agent and a person and then the second part is your business as well.
- Jerry's X factor is knowing what it is on the listing side or, representing salaries and what it is on the buyer side and having some clarity, so you can have a conversation with people.
- When it comes to you talking specifically in real estate with clients, your X factors should have answers to things like, “what are your client's big concerns, what are they? Where? What are their pain points?”
- While talking about competition Jerry says that most agents, himself included at many points in his career, operate out of fear. As an agent when he was able to let that fear go and open up, he started getting a lot more deals and a lot more transactions.
- How you do business is important and that's your X Factor, says Jacobe.
- There are some people that are like hey, you are going to be in a six-month contract and if you don't like it then that's it and as per Jacobe it's good to come out of a spot of value. Jacobe recommends giving an option to clients that they can cancel the contract anytime.
- When you know the things you offer and you are flexible in that, or at least have the appearance of flexibility it displays a massive amount of confidence to the client.
- Jacobe knows a lot of agents who have been in the business a long time and they still do not have answers to certain situations. He explains why it is not always the wise decision to look for agents who have been in the business a long time. What are key things to consider?
- Jerry talks about his book that he wrote in July; The book is titled " 50 Tops for Selling Your House Fast and For the Most Possible Money." You can find it on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/50-Tips-selling-your-house/dp/1493582585
- One of the big transitions that Jerry made in the X Factor idea is that he went from having snippets of one sentence answers to questions. He developed a process which now goes across the whole team and now there is substance.
- Finding X-Factor is a matter of understanding the market, understanding the objections that buyers and sellers have and being able to creatively answer those objections before their objections.
- A lot of times a buyer makes a request to go see a house and you don't actually get to sit down with him on an appointment in the beginning. But when you go out, you have to be inquisitive. You have to figure out why they are there, what makes them tick.
- When you know that your process has been developed to get a property sold or to help a buyer purchase the property that they want and so that the process is huge, and you have to have it.
- Jerry and Jacobe discuss how it is important to look back on your mistakes in order to determine your X Factor.
3 Key Points:
- Jacobe shares detailed insights on how he determined his X factor and what incident led him to figure out his true potential.
- When you have good X factors, it creates this dialogue with the client that you are easy to work with.
- Jerry and Jacobe share tips for new as well as experienced agents on how to find one's X Factor?
Resources Mentioned: