The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
On today's episode, hosts Jerry and Jacobe are talking about mentors. How do you find a mentor? How can a mentor take you to the next level? Jerry shares how he was raised to hide his weaknesses and show only his strengths. As per Jacobe, investing in coaching programs is like investing in yourself. Tune in to hear how mentoring has impacted their life and could impact yours.
Episode Highlights:
- Proximity is power, and in order for you to get where you want to go quickly, you need to be able to find a mentor, somebody that can help you, says Jacobe.
- The concept of hiring a coach was totally foreign to Jerry. He had no idea about the development and growth and having coaches and understanding the value of coaches. He thought everyone was out there figuring it out on their own.
- Jerry came across a coach out of desperation. He was into real estate selling 24-25 houses a year. He built himself up and he was doing 46 deals one year all by himself, no assistant, no transaction coordinator. He was working seven days a week and it became desperation for him to need somebody to help him.
- Jacobe had the same story as Jerry, though he had coaches for sports and mentors in his air force career, but he had the impression that one should have their life figured out and they shouldn't need a coach.
- Jacobe talks about a one-day event that he attended and that ultimately led him to join the full program offered by the company. Luckily for him it started his real estate career off in the way it needed to be started.
- Jerry met his mentor through a referral and for him this kind of gave him a stamp of approval.
- Jerry shares how he was totally bankrupt and still signed up for a coaching program using his last left credit card balance. This was the one of the best decisions that Jerry took, and it changed his entire real-estate career.
- Talking about the benefits of coaching, Jerry points out how it is an excellent way to build relationships with like-minded professionals.
- When hiring a coach Jerry first analyzes his needs and figures out what it is that he needs improved upon.
- Jacobe has reached a certain point in his life where he looks for finer details before he hires a coach. He enquires, what are they, who are they coaching with? Do they have coaches as well? Do they have mentors? Who are their mentors and what do they look like?
- Everybody gets into business for a reason, especially real estate and that is to have a life, have freedom and then while in the job you realize it sucks the life out of you. This is something that a coach can very much help with to give a balance to your life and help you achieve your professional goals.
- Jerry shares how apart from his coaches there were many people in his life who had helped him and guided him to pursue the correct path.
- You always have people you look up to and they are the short-term mentors of your life, says Jacobe.
- If you don't have a mentor, you need to find one. Doesn't have to be someone you pay money to, but paying somebody money is the easiest way to find a mentor to get to where you want to go, says Jacobe.
3 Key Points:
- Jerry and Jacobe discuss the different ways to find a mentor. You could find a mentor just wherever you work. But a lot of times the best way to find a mentor is you end up having to pay them. You pay them for their time.
- Jerry talks about the people whom he had met in his coaching program and how it has been so encouraging to watch so many people move in their journey.
- Jacobe recommends investing money on yourself for your professional or personal growth; don't invest it in cars or other luxury items. You can buy that stuff later after your work is done.
Tweetable Quotes:
- "Even this day I have this whole world that I am a part of that doesn't really know who Tony Robbins is." - Jerry
- "Every time you find a mentor, especially folks that have these mentor programs. There is going to be a price involved, and whenever that price comes up, there is always a sticker shock no matter what." – Jacobe
- "Whenever you go into those programs, you just get a new perspective, and it just opens up so much more to your mind that is possible." – Jacobe
- "Mentors are going to have an effect on you, down the line and sometimes you can't tell what all that is going to look like, but you should at least take it into consideration, when you are thinking about, you know, joining up with someone." - Jacobe
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/