The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Episode 42: How Do You Change Your Goals?
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about changing your goals. What happens when you have to change your goal or when you set out to do something, and then things change, and you have to adapt? Sometimes things go as planned, and sometimes they don’t. Your short term goals may have to adjust to achieve the same long term goal. What is your “why” that motivates you?
Episode Highlights:
- There are a lot of things wrapped up in your “why”, the driving motivation force that can be who you are and who you are becoming. Your long-term goal will probably stay the same, but your short-term goals and how you get to that long-term goal will probably change all the time, says Jacobe.
- When Jacobe was younger, his dream and long term goal was to play in the NFL.
- Jerry talks about his goals, vision, and how he has expanded his thought process and pushed it out 20 years.
- Jacobe says that he has been doing a lot of training recently about how he doesn’t think he will get something done.
- How do we reinvent ourselves after we have accomplished what we wanted or after what we want has passed, and we no longer are on the path of that goal?
- You have to have a vivid dream
- So often, parents squish their kids' dreams in the idea that they love them and are protecting them.
- Jacobe makes it a point to ask his kids what they want and what they want to be?
- When you are committed to something, you don’t even think about Plan B.
- Hard times are when you are getting stronger, and if you don’t have hard times, you won’t get where you want to be.
- If you have to change your goals on your way to get to that dream, you have to be ready to adjust to that, which will help you move forward to that goal.
- Self-awareness is key in continually achieving goals which means you have always got to be evaluating what is going on to make sure that you are still tracking.
- A very small change over a long period of time is a lot of distance, and a small change in a short period of time is a small change, says Jacobe.
- Jerry explains the position he wants to be in with his business, work, and finances to have the opportunities he desires.
- Wherever Jerry’s kids are in the world, he wants to have the resources to go to wherever they are.
- What things inspire you to continue pursuing your goals?
3 Key Points:
- Goals are not goals most of the time. It is just a track that the industry or whatever had put into place, and these are the things you should probably do, and you should probably aspire to.
- If you look at your goal and you failed, think about all the experience, life, skills, relationships, everything that was brought into your life trying to attain that goal has made you who you are now.
- Jerry is with EXP now and has different responsibilities. His 20 years plan and one-year plan haven’t changed but what it takes to get to the 20 is what he is working around right now.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Book - There's No Plan B for Your A-Game by Bo Eason
- Book - The Third Door by Alex Banayan