The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Episode 41: The Key To Work-Life Integration
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about work-life balance versus work-life integration. What is the difference? It is a topic that all coaches, life coaches, and people talk about. Do you know how to evaluate and adjust for a healthy balance in your life? Tune in now for a how-to discussion and inspiration!
Episode Highlights:
- When you just start to think about and break down how your life works and how you look at things, do you find balance?
- Personal growth journey is the journey of trying to better myself and making it intentional for me, says Jacobe.
- You have to know your priorities to get your life in order because only you know what to take care of.
- Jacobe asks Jerry, “How much work-life balance did you have when you were doing the 23 transactions, and then how much work-life balance did you have when you were doing like the 50 or whatever transactions?”
- Jerry says that he doubled up on the workload, but he also became a seven-day-a-week worker where it wasn’t that before. For example, he wouldn’t go to the office on Sunday, but he would show houses Sunday.
- We act like this idea of work-life balance is entirely up to us and we expect our families to be ok when we go to work; But then, when we show up at home, we want them to be ready for us to show up at home.
- A client honors your schedule if you control your schedule for them. If you don’t know what is important for you, you don’t see what you are neglecting.
- Don’t waste your time and then, if you don’t like something on your schedule, you can pay someone to do it, which could be at home or work.
- Jerry suggests you have to have your financial freedom date, too. When will you be financially free, and how much money do you need truly?
- Many people were thinking only about financial freedom, but now with the constraints due to Covid on a lot of things, it brings up a whole different vastness of questions, says Jacobe.
- Your balance or your integration to work and family will be way different from others, and as your kids grow, things will look different, says Jerry.
3 Key Points:
- If you want to have work-life integration and have “balance,” you have to know what you are going for, and you have to have clarity on what you want in your personal life and what you want in your business life.
- Life works in cycles, and we are never on a constant incline or staying constant. So we are either getting better, or we are getting worse, and those are the things we have to think about as well as understanding that there are going to be times when things are going good, and there are going to be times when things are going bad.
- The one thing that we can’t get back is time. Time is the most precious thing that we as humans have but, unfortunately, we don’t know how much time we have left.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube