The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Episode 38: How Do You Make Decisions?
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
On today’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about how the quality of our life is the quality of the decisions that we make. Are you a decision maker? Tune in for this valuable insight to not only improve your decisiveness but also your life!
Episode Highlights:
- There was a huge portion in Jerry’s life where he didn’t really make decisions but instead, just reacted to everything.
- Jacobe says that a lot of times we don’t think about the decisions that we are constantly making.
- Tony Robbins always says that in order to get good at something, you have to do it over and over again and so making decisions over and over again is how you get good at it.
- Jerry talks about the 75 hard program where he learned a lot of good decision-making tools to put in place.
- Tony Robbins in his book Awakening the Giant mentioned that you have to realize that the hard step in achieving anything is making a true commitment, a true decision.
- People who fail usually make decisions slowly. They change their minds quickly and they’re always bouncing back and forth.
- If you take a decision that you’re facing and then choose to not do anything, it is almost like not making a decision at all, says Jacobe.
- You are supposed to count the cost before you do anything.
- Jacobe says that when the inevitable happens, instead of beating yourself into the ground, learn something- ask yourself, “What is good about this?, What can I learn from this?”
- A failure may be an unbelievable gift in disguise if you use it to make better decisions in the future.
- The other thing Tony Robbins says is that rather than focusing on the short-term setback, instead learn lessons about what can save you time, money or pain and that will give you the ability to succeed in the future.
- Being clear on what you want and what you need is the key factor in making a decision.
- It is good to have mentors because sometimes you may not know what you want to do but you know you want to be like that person because you see something in them that inspires you.
- You don’t necessarily always have to have more, you might already have everything that you have wanted, says Jacobe.
- If you want to make more money you need to say how much more money you want to make, for example.
- Jerry asks how many buyers end up with what they said they were going to get? Oftentimes, at some point in the process it goes from a really logical decision to a very emotional decision.
- Tony Robbins has quoted in his book, “It is in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”
3 Key Points:
- Decision making means that you are cutting away all the other options to do anything.
- Many people don’t make decisions when a decision needs to be made but not making a decision is also a decision in itself.
- You have to be razor sharp; razor clear on what you want because that’s the world we live in now.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.tonyrobbins.com/events/
- https://www.amazon.com/Awaken-Giant-Within-Immediate-Emotional/dp/0671791540