The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Episode 35: Life Lessons For Growth From Our Tony Robbins Event
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe will talk about some of their takeaways from the Tony Robbins Event and how it will impact what they will be doing moving forward in the future. Jerry and Jacobe say, “When Tony delivers his message, he is actually giving you work to do. He is not just trying to pump you up. It is not a motivation that is going to fizzle out; it is more of a strategy.”
Episode Highlights:
- Tony talks about his events and his experience of the build up beforehand.
- Jacobe shared how he’s been thinking how people get whenever they have something that they want or that they need
- Tony first started talking about how to deal with fear and a lot of the things that are going on right now. He explains that it is actually human psychology how we make decisions when we’re in a state of fear versus being in a different state, says Jacobe.
- Jerry talks about how to control your mind and the responses to fear.
- Jerry has listened to three books,Turning Pro, How To Get It, and How To Gain A Million Followers. He is also almost done with the book called, Hook Point.
- Jacobe says, “We have three simple decisions to make which are: what are you going to focus on?, What does it mean to you? and What am I going to do about it?”
- Tony recommends, “You train your brain that when I say go, I go, and so when that alarm hits, you have trained your brain it is time to go.”
- Jacobe says, “It is an easy decision to stay in bed”.
- Tony shares the three things that you need to have a breakthrough: the state that you are in, the story that you tell yourself, and the strategy you use.
- Based on personal stories, Tony often asks people why they are doing something that they are doing.
- Jacobe lets his kids develop their own stories. He tries to help them see things from different perspectives so they can develop their story. Someone’s story is personal to them, so it is hard for you to make someone change their story.
- If you are obsessed about something and you want something so badly, you will figure it out by sorting all of your ideas.
- The greatest example is ET the hip hop preacher when he talks about the guru and the guy comes out into the water, and he holds the guy’s head underwater, and then he finally lets him up, and the guru asked him, “What did you want more than anything when I had your head underwater?” And he replied it was to breathe. The preacher says, “If you want to be successful as badly as you wanted to breathe, then you will be successful.”
- A lot of times when I wake up and work out, I always feel like the hardest part of my day is already gone, says Jacobe.
- Jacobe says, “When I tell my body to do something, then I want my mind to basically say it is done. So, whenever I tell my body to do it, it does it, and there is a real connection there.”
- Tony tells us that at this moment right now the best thing that you can take care of is your mind- Taking care of your mind and then also taking care of your body and your life.
3 Key Points:
- The most important thing you can do right now, especially in the climate that we are in, is to take control of your mind and how you are processing all that is of the utmost importance because you can’t trust anyone else anymore to take care of you.
- Do you focus on what you can control and or what you can’t control? Do you focus on what you have or what you don’t have? Do you focus on the past, present, or do you focus on the future?
- Why do we have certain stories about ourselves? When you try to change your story, you also can make yourself wrong on things, so a lot of times, we stay in a certain story, we stay a victim of things too, just so we can have that comfort.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- https://www.ted.com/talks/tony_robbins_why_we_do_what_we_do?language=en