The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Episode 32: Success Does Require Sacrifice with Jay Kinder
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
In this episode, Jerry and Jacobe talk to Jay Kinder - Co-founder of the National Association of Expert Advisors and co-host of the popular podcast, Face to Face with Jay Kinder and Michael Reese. This partnership has allowed them to completely align with agents that want to grow their business and take advantage of the unparalleled revenue share program offered exclusively through eXp Realty. Tune in to hear about his journey to success!
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry curiously asks Jay, “When you hear the word success without sacrifice, where does your head go with that?”
- Jay says, “Everything I have ever done has had a lot of sacrifices.” He advises, “You have to embrace the fact that you are going to have to sacrifice some things to have what you want, to get to where you want to go, and to accomplish your goals.”
- If you are not struggling, then you are not growing. There are things you have to give up if you want to be successful.
- Jerry is intrigued that Jay has clarity on what he is willing to sacrifice and asks him how he finds that.
- Jacobe asks Jay to share how he got to the point where he can do what he wants to do because of previous sacrifices.
- Jay has been in the real estate industry for the past 24 years, he shares his journey with the listeners.
- Talking about his philosophy, Jay says, “In order to make a lot of money, you have to pay people a lot of money.”
- Jay recommends, “You learn so much from all other industries that you just try to adapt, adopt and apply those back to what you are trying to do, and that is where you have those breakthroughs that a lot of times other people don’t see coming.”
- Why do we all have all stock and ownership in the company?
- Jerry asks Jay to talk a little bit about how he has worked out a balance with family.
- Focusing on adding value to people’s lives helps keep Jay on the right track- seeking to understand the goals of others and what they were trying to accomplish.
- Jay shares that he has had some decisions and circumstances that moved him in the wrong direction and cost him a lot of time.
- Getting clarity of vision is really important for getting success. You make your decisions based on your values and your vision.
3 Key Points:
- Jacobe asks Jay, “In your journey from the beginning to the end, did you start out running around with heavy hitters?”
- Jay shares how he got into real estate and what his individual business and team looked like as well as how he got into coaching.
- There are a million things and different tools that you can try to use in your business; how do you handle the distraction part of that?
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook| LinkedIn | Instagram |YouTube|
- Jerry Weaver Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram|
- Success Without Sacrifice Facebook page
- BJJ Realtor YouTube
- Jay Kinder Instagram