The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Episode 02: Controlling What You Can Control
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
During episode 02 of The Jerry & Jacobe Podcast, hosts Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick talk about the importance of controlling what you can control. They tell us their strategies for coping with the current pandemic and how they’ve each committed to maintaining a positive mindset and optimism for the future. This message is more important now than ever.
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry recently watched an Inky Johnson video on the subject of controlling your controllables.
- Jacobe provides background information on a former football player, Inky Johnson.
- According to Inky, the things you can control are focus, commitment, dedication, your attitude, and your energy about things.
- Jerry couldn't show any homes in Michigan during the COVID crisis. He decided to control what he could control.
- Jerry prepared his home and thought about the basic resources they needed at home.
- From a work standpoint, Jerry knew investors would still be looking to purchase and moved some of his marketing money accordingly.
- Jerry cut $700 per month out of his business expenses.
- Jacobe shares how he controlled his controllables at the beginning of the COVID crisis.
- At first, Jacobe didn't think COVID would be a big deal. He later made sure he had the bare essentials.
- Make your environment as normal as you can so you can function.
- Jacobe started to feel that control was slipping away. He then made the choice about what he wanted to do.
- Jerry was caught off guard by how emotional he felt. Jerry realized he changed a lot of important patterns in his life. It made a big difference when he got his sleep schedule back on track.
- Ask if you're eating well, how much sleep you're getting, and how much exercise you're getting.
- Jacobe's mental hangup was that he had an amazing first quarter and saw his pipeline start to diminish.
- Jacobe fasted a few times to feel closer to the Lord. He started toning down his news consumption and reading the Bible more.
- Jerry also reached out to some good friends.
- Jerry reflects on how much time he's been able to spend with his children. Jacobe's kids have also loved that he's been working from home.
- What Jerry and his wife have done, from a mindset standpoint, has helped their family through this time.
- Every time something happens, you have a choice to respond positively or you can respond negatively. We always have a choice.
- Don't let fear become the driving factor.
- When you have hope, the future seems bright.
- When you have certainty and control what you can, that will help you move forward.
- Do things that have helped you in the past to build your business.
- Jerry is addressing items that have been on his list for a long time.
- Some companies are using this as a time to improve their systems and processes.
- Jacobe is concentrating on preparing for the future economically.
- During the “Time to Invest” segment, Jerry focuses on what it is you want to invest in.
- We need to make sure we have clarity about what people mean when they talk about finding a good deal.
- The more specific you can get in what you're looking for, the easier it is for other people to find you what you're looking for.
3 Key Points:
- Control what you can control during a crisis. Hold on to your good habits and establish new ones.
- Don’t let fear stop you. Focus on the positive.
- Find ways to keep the ball rolling in a positive way and refine what you’re doing.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jacobe Kendrick Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry Weaver Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Jerry and Jacobe Podcast Facebook page
- Inky Johnson website, story on YouTube
- Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within
- Man’s Search for Meaning (book)