The Jerry & Jacobe Epic Agent Success Podcast is all about helping agents achieve EPIC success. The podcast is hosted by two entrepreneurs, Jerry Weaver and Jacobe Kendrick, in different stages of life sharing real experiences in managing their successful real estate businesses while having a desire to give back to agents who are struggling to make Real Estate a profitable career. If you feel like you are stuck and not getting the training and guidance you need to create the success that you desire, tune in weekly to learn the skills, focus, and commitment necessary to achieve epic success.

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
This podcast is dedicated to newer agents who want the fast track to success…90% of agents fail in their first year of business…Jerry and Jacobe’s goal is to guide you away from the common mistakes most agents make and help you grow your business to levels you know you're capable of and desire. Today on the show, Jerry and Jacobe bring you part 2 from another episode…what goes into the emotional side of real estate from an agent to agent perspective? Don’t miss it, tune in now.
Episode Highlights:
- When many personalities are mixed in, things can go in a lot of different directions. Jerry mentions perspective points.
- Some people have more attention to detail than others, says Jacobe.
- Jerry and Jacobe both come from a palace of assuming the responsibility to make sure everyone has all of the information they need.
- Jerry shares a story from when he was a new agent and shared that with the other agent involved. There was a lot of stress and emotion for him as well as a lack of confidence but he was thankful for the help that he provided.
- Jacobe talks about how he has transitioned to a more collaborative attitude.
- All deals have something that you’re going to have to work through. Jerry talks about the importance of keeping your emotions in check and focusing on representing the client as well as their negotiation style over yours.
- Negotiation skills are key. Jerry talks about the importance of training in that regard. He says to focus on how you can keep the conversation going?
- Jacobe says, “Know the personality of the agent that you’re working with to know how hard to push things and not.”
- What changes emotions behind negotiations?
- What about commissions versus flat fees?
- Jacobe says, “The person who wants the deal more loses, you can’t be desperate in a deal or you have already lost.”
- Jerry talks about how some agents are lost in aggression and deciding for their clients rather than keeping them informed and presenting them with the details.
- What are the 3 main negotiations that create the most emotion in a transaction?
- How do you weed out the emotion of clients with other agents?
- Jacobe shares stories of people putting on the pressure and escalating emotions.
- There can always be points of misunderstandings and problems created where they don’t exist.
- “Be someone who delivers information, not emotion”, says Jerry. Don’t make it how you feel about it either.
- What are the regulations on how clean the property has to be at the final walk through?
- Jerry shares a story when an agent escalated emotion over 97 gallons of paint left in the basement that needed to be removed per Jerry’s client.
- What about divorce situations?
- Jacobe does a lot of investment properties, off market deals, and finding distressed properties. He shares the challenges and details around negotiations. He also shares a story when a top performing agent refused to present an offer to a client who had not received any other offers.
- What about sight unseen? Low offers?
- Jerry says there may be other emotions behind the motivation of sellers that you aren't aware of.
- What about verbal? Jacobe shares his advice.
- Agents need to stop being emotional over clients changing their mind. Jacobe says, “Always get everything in writing.”
- What is the mental buy in with signing on changes and agreement?
- Jacob talks about the importance of following up conversation in writing to recap expectations and decisions.
- You want to be the agent that others agents want to work with especially if you’re in a competitive situation. He says he has worked with a lot of agents who are fun to work with, too and it makes a huge difference.
3 Key Points:
- Jerry and Jacobe agree that assuming responsibility to do more than expected and make sure everyone has all of the information that they need.
- You have to have negotiation skills. You can’t just be a roadblock. Ego has to stay out of the picture to represent clients well. Training can be so crucial for this for good communication and preserving deals.
- With the emotional side of real estate, you can’t be at the extreme of either end. It is not good for you and it is definitely not good for the clients.

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Today on the podcast, Jerry and Jacobe welcome a guest who has been at the top of their list to interview, Andy Alger. He is from a small town in Michigan and has been in real estate for 27 years. He has experienced the evolution of the real estate industry and stood the test of time; He shares wisdom from decades in the business. Don’t miss out on his interview!
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry introduces Andy Alger. Jerry has followed him and has a lot of respect for how he handles himself in the industry.
- Andy has been in real estate for 27 years. He got started in his career in real estate because he felt that it lined up well with who he was as a person. He is from a small hometown and likes that he has stayed local.
- Andy is in Southeastern Michigan. He has about 4,000 people in the small town of Linden.
- He has a real estate team consisting of himself, a director of operations, a TC, his wife as the finance manager, and two full time sales people other than himself, as well as his daughter who does small admin work.
- When Andy started in real estate the market was not bad. He was with a small town brokerage and recounts his first “walk-in” sale.
- Andy remembers pre-email and pre-pager days and the different landscape that actually in his opinion made it more fun because it was truly all about relationships and you had to physically go out and talk to people.
- Can you imagine the public not having access to the ‘book’ of listings? Andy remembers those days.
- How did leads work back in the day?
- What does floor time mean in real estate? Jacobe asks Andy to talk about what that means and how it worked in the past.
- Andy talks about how business comes full circle when you take care of people.
- Jacobe asks Andy what his family and life circumstances were like. Andy shares how he served in the army and then how he and his wife adjusted into real estate together as well.
- What about giving back to the community? Andy talks about how they have gotten intentional about giving back to the community.
- Jacobe asks Andy what his transition phase was like when he started the team.
- Andy talks about the crash that happened in most of the county in 2008 but it started in 2006. You and your weaknesses will be exposed when events and things like that happen. You have to get started with how you structure things and when you adjust and how.
- How do you leverage your business?
- Andy talks about how he has prepared to weather storms and give himself padding for leveraging when he needs to.
- Jerry asks Andy how his clientele has shifted over the years.
- Andy talks about the average sale price in downtown Linden.
- Jerry asks Andy to share the biggest piece of advice he would give to a younger version of himself after knowing and experiencing what he has.
- Do you have a coach? Andy talks about the value.
- How do you learn to pour into a team?
- Andy advises to d o business that is true to who you are. Don’t get distracted in comparison…know who God created to be and how it is best for you to do so, find contentment in that and you will thrive.
- Show up everyday and take care of people.
- Andy shares how the reviews of his business actually reflect the core of who they are.
- Are you completely passionate about helping people? You can be passionate about how you do something, who you’re doing it for and how you do it even if it's not the exact what in the mundane.
- Jerry asks Andy to share how his faith in God has played out in his life. He believes his purpose is to wake up everyday and care for people the best he possibly can.
3 Key Points:
- Andy recounts some of the ‘glory’ of real estate in the past that he thought made it more fun. He has always built a long term approach rooted in relationships.
- How can you give back to the community? Andy discusses the importance of taking care of people and the money will follow but even beyond that giving focus to meaning and not just ambition.
- How do you know when to transition to a team? Andy talks about the many transitions you will see in your real estate career.
Resources Mentioned:
Andy Alger:
- 810-241-0554
- http://andyalger.com/

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Episode 75: Agents Need To Understand The Emotional Side Of Real Estate.
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Today on the podcast, Jerry and Jacobe are talking about the emotional side of real estate, focusing on all the emotions of getting a deal closed. They have some really good stories and helpful insights for you. Don’t miss it!
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry asks Jacobe what he thinks about when he hears “the emotional side of the business.”
- Jacobe talks about how a real estate transaction is usually at least 30 days and how many hurdles happen in that time period.
- What about when interests don’t align?
- “Agents' emotions get involved, too”, says Jacobe.
- Jerry talks about when logic is thrown out the window and emotions come flying in.
- Most buyers and sellers are emotional about what they are doing. Oftentimes, emotions will drive the situation even over the numbers.
- Jerry talks about how when you go out with a new client, you’re not exactly sure how much time to leave for each house. He talks about a time when a client had a huge list of key characteristics he wanted in a house and in the end the one that was fulfilled was the 8th item on the list because that was most important to the wife.
- How do you decide how much time to schedule for between showings? Jerry talks about his process.
- Jerry talks about how he is in metro Detroit in a town called Canton. They have about 4 million people in a thirty mile radius or so whereas Jacobe is in Midland, Texas. They talk about the difference between their geographical locations and markets. Check out Jacobe’s YouTube Channel to learn more.
- What gets clients most attached to a house or the process and how should agents aid them in that?
- Jerry talks about times when he has gotten himself into jams.
- As an agent, your job is to represent your clients best interests and that includes the interests of all involved.
- Jacobe talks about how a lot of his clients are working in the oil field and how they can be in and out of availability. It is important to understand how the decision making will ultimately work out.
- Jerry does not like to show a place to one person, he feels like there always needs to be another person for them to bounce ideas off of. He also recommends that if there are other people involved in the purchase like parents that they should be a part of the showing too or come out at least once because otherwise the deals get ruined late in the game. Jerry says he also wants to establish a relationship of trust with them, too.
- Jacobe shares a story of when a client told him that he found him his dream house but then the client ultimately didn’t sign the offer.
- How well do you handle concerns/objections of all parties involved? Jerry and Jacobe talk about the importance and example stories.
- What about baggage from past realtors that has nothing to do with you? It is not uncommon to face that especially for those who maybe haven't sold a home in a long time.
- There can be a lot of ego involved in deals too. Jacobe reminds agents that you have to be the level head and point to sound judgement when that emotion ramps up over small amounts in negotiations. Jerry mentions how so many times it is less about the actual amount and more about the feeling of what kind of deal they are getting.
- Know what your clients want and be able to remind them of what they want when things get backed up.
- People do not like to be in the world of the unknown. Buyers and sellers can get impatient. Everybody wants things to happen instantly. Jerry talks about agents have to sit in those spaces with clients and help them weather the situations.
- If you have done your work on a listing, you are able to have conversations with your client to manage their emotions and decisions. Jerry recommends always being thorough in saying what the next step is as well.
- Keeping emotions level, building trust, and thoroughly communicating are all key in handling the emotional side of real estate.
3 Key Points:
- The buying and selling process is wrapped up in emotions almost every time because so many factors go into why people want what they want and what is necessary for the deal to close.
- Jerry talks about the importance of seeking understanding of needs from both or all parties that are involved to avoid being the middleman. It helps to gauge priorities and keeps communication lines open especially with the use of group texting.
- As an agent, your job is to represent the best interests of your client and you may have couples who have varying interests. Jacobe says you are more than a real estate agent.. You are a counselor and confidant in the process. How can you manage all of the needs and interests to best serve them?

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Episode 74: Should Real Estate Agents Work With Investors?
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
How can you find a constant source of income no matter how the market is trending? Today on the podcast, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about strategy. They will share how they started in the business and added important pillars later on. Tune in now to prepare yourself for possible opportunities awaiting you.
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry and Jacobe talk about their initial understanding of investors.
- The Find and Flip Summit was an event that Jerry and Jacobe went to in 2018 that changed Jerry’s mindset about working with investors.
- “Knowledge is power”, says Jacobe. If you get bad information, you'll take bad actions and get bad results.
- Jacobe says he started as an investor. He says there really is not a lot of true wisdom around investing and cautions not to listen to people who just simply say it is bad because they don’t understand it or know how to do it.
- The competition is lower on the investment side than for the deals that all the realtors are going after on the MLS.
- How can you find out what is going on in a city from the accessor?
- What do you need to know about public records?
- What is an investor looking for? Jerry discusses what you need to figure out and what makes a good deal for a particular investor. He lists good questions to ask.
- What about 50% off market properties? Jacobe says he thinks that every single property except one he purchased off market.
- What do you need to buy a property or transfer a property?
- There are 3 main ways to buy property off market; Jerry lists and explains.
- Jerry likes to work directly with the seller for an off market property and explains why.
- If you’re a realtor, how can you add in working with investors? Jacobe asks Jerry to talk about scenarios with wholesalers, directly with sellers, and with other investors.
- What about referral fees and wholesalers?
- Jerry talks about how he built the skillset to meet with sellers that were in the scenarios of investment opportunity.
- Jacobe personally would choose working directly with sellers if he were to be starting again.
- What defines a seller in a distressed situation? Jacobe talks about the categories they may fall into. Many of them have no clue what their options are.
- Jerry talks about properties that have had liens filed against them.
- The concept of direct to seller is very easy but the psychological portion is very hard. Jacobe talks about the complexities.
- Jerry shares about his experience with foreclosure and the importance of building trust and having a good message.
- Jacobe always first asks people what they want to happen. He says you have to build your tool belt with solutions.
- Sometimes you can build trust with people and sometimes you can’t. Some people have a lot of other things going on along with an impending foreclosure.
- Jerry says “Don’t assume you know what the people want.” He shares a story where he worked through what someone needed quickly and efficiently by asking upfront questions.
- Jacobe says the number one thing is to make sure what you’re doing is in the best interest of the seller. When you start helping people and asking the right questions, that is where you start having real success and making money.
- What should you look for when looking to work with an investor? Jacobe describes characteristics and things they will readily know.
- Jerry talks about how he worked his way into leads for investing.
3 Key Points:
- “50% of all transactions happen off the MLS”, says Jerry. What is the importance of understanding the significance of that?
- Jerry and Jacobe discuss the common theories around investing, their own personal experiences, and how to actually do it right.
- There are 3 main ways to buy a property off market. What is best for you? How can you come to a win-win situation?
Resources Mentioned:
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/444333123042225
- https://www.facebook.com/jacobe.kendrick
- https://www.facebook.com/jerry.weaver.165
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFMBPTdQYerCJVuXM0_WiQ
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Episode 73: Entrepreneur’s Road To Real Estate Success, With Eric Gardiner
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
On today’s episode Jerry and Jacobe have another special guest, Eric Gardiner. They met Eric in a mastermind group they were in and he is crushing it! He is from Salt Lake City, Utah and runs Blackwell Realty Group that does upwards of 110 deals a year.Tune in to hear his story and insights into the business.
Episode Highlights:
- Eric introduces himself. He is in the metropolitan area in Salt Lake City, Utah and has been in the business for about five and a half years.
- He and a partner opened up Blackwell Realty Group when he got into real estate. He didn’t have a license until they opened the brokerage. He
- Economics is actually Eric’s background; He did a masters degree in Econ theory.
- Eric shares where he started out in a bank doing commercial underwriting and how he ended up opening his brokerage.
- Jacobe asked Eric if he always had the entrepreneur mindset. Eric shares how his parents were entrepreneurs and a good friend who owned the car dealership was able to take off the time he wanted.
- Jacobe asks about the story of Eric’s dad filing for bankruptcy and how it impacted him.
- For Eric, he joined in with his partner who taught him about getting leads and also credits his two-year missional door knocking telling people about Jesus to helping him understand people and processes.
- What about lead sources?
- Have you heard of the “100 day List Master challenge?” Jerry and eEric discuss how it changed things for them.
- Eric discusses what he evaluates every December to make sure his results are making sense with what he is spending.
- Jerry, Jacobe, and Eric discuss average sale princes starting out to now.
- What should you sum up at the end of year to track your progress?
- What about geographical farms?
- At the Blackwell realty group there are 20 licensed agents with 9 producers that Eric coaches and mentors to succeed.
- During COVID, Eric and his partner did a few house flips and he still does that from time to time when it makes sense. He also talks about rentals he has.
- Jacobe asks Eric to share advice to someone just starting out.
- Think about how you schedule your day and your structure of rhythms. Once you figure that out and follow the groove is when the success flows.
- How can you invest in yourself? Jacobe brings up the great value that it is as Jerry and Eric were talking about the mastermind classes.
- How do you keep the long vision in mind when the success isn’t happening like you expect in the beginning?
- Jerry talks about having clarity for where you want to go and finding a coach to line up with that.
- Jacobe asks Eric what is on the horizon for him in the future. He talks about passive income and value.
3 Key Points:
- Eric knew he wanted to be his own boss and said yes to opening up a brokerage with his friend for the long term goal of flexibility and freedom.
- What about lead sources? Eric talks about his experiences early on and where he is now.
- “Learning the process of success is way more important than the money that you’re going to make,” Eric advises.
Resources Mentioned:
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/444333123042225
- https://www.facebook.com/jacobe.kendrick
- https://www.facebook.com/jerry.weaver.165
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFMBPTdQYerCJVuXM0_WiQ
- https://www.weaverrealtypro.com/
- Eric Gardiner 801-660-9173
- https://heyeric.com/

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
On today's episode, hosts, Jerry and Jacobe are going to talk about your X Factor. What is your X Factor in business? What makes you different from everybody else? What makes you different from the competition? Jerry and Jacobe also discuss how being in the business a long time doesn't necessarily mean that a person is a good agent. In our society we like to say don't stand out, but you want to stand out, you want to be different, and you want to make the decision to pick you an easy one; Tune in for the best insights!
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry says to determine what it is that you specifically offer your clients.
- Working on what makes you different can sometimes be hard to figure out. There are two pieces: what makes you different as an agent and a person and then the second part is your business as well.
- Jerry's X factor is knowing what it is on the listing side or, representing salaries and what it is on the buyer side and having some clarity, so you can have a conversation with people.
- When it comes to you talking specifically in real estate with clients, your X factors should have answers to things like, “what are your client's big concerns, what are they? Where? What are their pain points?”
- While talking about competition Jerry says that most agents, himself included at many points in his career, operate out of fear. As an agent when he was able to let that fear go and open up, he started getting a lot more deals and a lot more transactions.
- How you do business is important and that's your X Factor, says Jacobe.
- There are some people that are like hey, you are going to be in a six-month contract and if you don't like it then that's it and as per Jacobe it's good to come out of a spot of value. Jacobe recommends giving an option to clients that they can cancel the contract anytime.
- When you know the things you offer and you are flexible in that, or at least have the appearance of flexibility it displays a massive amount of confidence to the client.
- Jacobe knows a lot of agents who have been in the business a long time and they still do not have answers to certain situations. He explains why it is not always the wise decision to look for agents who have been in the business a long time. What are key things to consider?
- Jerry talks about his book that he wrote in July; The book is titled " 50 Tops for Selling Your House Fast and For the Most Possible Money." You can find it on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/50-Tips-selling-your-house/dp/1493582585
- One of the big transitions that Jerry made in the X Factor idea is that he went from having snippets of one sentence answers to questions. He developed a process which now goes across the whole team and now there is substance.
- Finding X-Factor is a matter of understanding the market, understanding the objections that buyers and sellers have and being able to creatively answer those objections before their objections.
- A lot of times a buyer makes a request to go see a house and you don't actually get to sit down with him on an appointment in the beginning. But when you go out, you have to be inquisitive. You have to figure out why they are there, what makes them tick.
- When you know that your process has been developed to get a property sold or to help a buyer purchase the property that they want and so that the process is huge, and you have to have it.
- Jerry and Jacobe discuss how it is important to look back on your mistakes in order to determine your X Factor.
3 Key Points:
- Jacobe shares detailed insights on how he determined his X factor and what incident led him to figure out his true potential.
- When you have good X factors, it creates this dialogue with the client that you are easy to work with.
- Jerry and Jacobe share tips for new as well as experienced agents on how to find one's X Factor?
Resources Mentioned:

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Episode 71: How To Create Massive Success When You Are A New Real Estate Agent
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
On this week’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe start off an interview series with a bang! Aaron Valencia, the A game agent, joins the show to tell his story from zero to hero. He shares how he started and where he is finding success; Don’t miss it!
Episode Highlights:
Most agents don’t sell more than five houses when they first get into real estate. Aaron Valencia is new to real estate and shares how he is having success.
Aaron is an agent in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He says he is always first and foremost a father and a husband.
He was originally in the oil and gas industry and had been part of the start up of a few companies.
Aaron shares how he shifted out of the oil and gas industry in the perfect storm of the oil crisis and was able to spend time with his son who was finishing high school, playing football and getting ready for college.
Jacobe played football with Aaron’s little brother. He says they are all well known athletes in their hometown in Texas.
Jacobe asks Aaron how he decided where he was going to go and what brokerage he was going to choose.
Aaron shares how Jacobe sent him a video and how an infographic showed an arrow from blockbuster -> Netflix, Best Buy ->Amazon, and traditional real estate -> eXP.
When he reflects on previous jobs, Aaron considers how what he learned helps him to view real estate as starting a business too.
Jacobe asks Aaron to share his perspective on how going back and forth between two locations and the fact that eXP is not brick and mortar but rather a “cloud based brokerage”
Is an office needed for success in real estate? Jacobe and Aaron talk about the pros and cons.
Jerry asks Aaron how the importance of relationships has played out in his career.
What about Social Media and being known locally?
Jacobe asks Aaron how he came up with the idea and name, “A game agent”
What is the importance of logo and branding? Aaron doesn’t have a background in marketing or branding but has taken note over the years of the key points that matter and stick.
Aaron has now hired for his marketing and it has been really helpful.
The first year is really difficult for agents. Aaron shares about his first year, where his focus was, and how he chose to learn and grow. He had his first sell in 30 days and thought it was going to be easy and then went months without anything.
“Eventually you will have a snowball effect in a good or bad way”, Aaron explains.
- You have to get comfortable with the word no because it is not personal.
- How do you do lead generation and follow up everyday?
- Aaron shares his goals and motivation for going forward and to the next level.
3 Key Points:
- Aaron Valencia started in the gas and oil industry and then transitioned into real estate. He got into eXP from Jacobe and from the beginning has viewed it as starting up a business with a lot of principles he had previously learned.
- Jacobe talks about eXP being a “cloud based brokerage” and discusses how it works with Aaron.
- Building relationships has been instrumental in developing Aaron’s real estate business. He shares his experiences and advice.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Episode 70: The Importance Of Business Planning For Real Estate Agents
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
On this week’s episode, Jerry and Jacobe are bringing value to the plan for 2023 and the future of your business. What should you do as a single agent or an agent with a team?
How do you make goals attainable and get in the right mindset to do so? Don’t miss out.
Episode Highlights:
- Jacobe asks Jerry what planning looks like for him. He shares how when he started it was hard to even think a year out.
- How do you get clarity on one year, three year, and ten year marks?
- Jacobe says planning is a muscle, a skill, and a habit.
- What is 3-1-90? Jacobe explains the three year goal, one year goal,and the way that you achieve the one year goal is in the 90 day chunks.
- How do you reach your transaction goal each month?
- Jerry says the 90 day goal is the hardest and warns against over-filling that. When you try to focus on too many things you accomplish less. If you focus on two or three things in each 90 day chunk you can build on the success.
- Jacobe and Jerry share how they go through goals with their teams.
- Everybody has a different philosophy on goal setting. Jacobe and Jerry agree that setting bigger goals is better because why not try to achieve more?
- What is the trickle effect of opening your mindset and exposing yourself to endless possibilities? Jacobe talks about conferences they have gone to that have expanded their perspective and how it not only serves them but also the families they serve as well.
- You should be asking, “Do I even want to do that?”
- You have to have clarity on where you want to go and also be okay if it changes. Be flexible if you change your mind.
- Even if you don’t make the goal, you will still be much further than you were which is why Jerry and Jacobe recommend setting goals that may seem unattainable at the time.
- Narrowing to the few things in 90 days is key. In a quarter, you can really only get to a few things thoroughly. Jacobe asks Jerry to share examples.
- In the real estate industry, not a lot of agents have quick success. Jerry is trying to refine their sales process to provide that to boost confidence quickly too.
- Jacobe talks about core values and how they line up in the chunks of time based goals.
- Lead conversion and follow up is a focus for Jacobe and his team. He shares what that looks like.
- The one year goal drives how many agents you need as a team leader.
- All the goals that you set compound on each other. Don’t set a number because it sounds cool - think about how it actually breaks out into each month, week, and day and what key performance indicators you need to be hitting.
- Jerry and Jacobe use a 3-1-90 google sheet to actually sit down and write out everything.
- What is a rock? KPIs?
- If you are an agent and you need help with your planning, reach out for the template to get set up.
- Start envisioning now and start the plan to get there.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Epsiode 69: What Training Is Important For New Real Estate Agents?
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Do you ever wonder what training you actually need as a real estate agent? Today on The Epic Agent Success Podcast, hosts Jerry and Jacobe hone in on what training is important when you’re starting out and now that there is a shift occurring in the industry, what you should focus on. You don’t want to miss it!
Episode Highlights:
- Jerry shares how what really intimidated him about building a team was the training aspect. He did not have any training when he entered real estate.
- What if an agent joining your team isn’t built the same way that you are? You’re not alone. Jerry shares how he has dealt with that and has adapted a system in place that will bring success for them.
- Jacobe says how everyone talks about how they will give you training but everybody's definition is different.
- Jacobe talks about his training in the Air Force and how it taught him important principles.
- With so many training programs of all kinds available all over today, how do you know what you’re looking for? Jerry advises to start by defining what success looks like to you.
- When you’re a beginner, almost everything helps you but as you continue to get better, eventually, you can’t just keep doing the same things, some things have to be switched up. Jacobe makes the analogy with exercise - there are protocols that change frequency, intensity, etc.
- What about specialized training?
- Jacobe stresses the importance of the basics.
- Jerry and Jacobe talk about the importance of a great coach. He was talking with someone who was on a team who told him to find a client and they would help him write a contract.
- What are the basics for a real estate agent?
- Why are buyers the easiest conversations when you’re new? What should they see from you as early as possible?
- You need to figure out how to use the phone, know what to say, and be knowledgeable about the market- that is how you hook people into working with you.
- Jerry breaks down lead generation and lead conversion especially when you’re new to the business.
- If you don’t think of everybody as a buyer it can limit your mentality and your business.
- Simplify your scripts so that they are easy to remember and you’re able to transition that to feel like an authentic situation.
- What is the reason for scripts? Many agents might think that they aren’t for them. Jerry thought that at first too but says they have actually paid huge dividends for him.
- Jacobe shares how he was terrible at role playing in the beginning. He says you have to set your ego aside because you are going to be wrong and mess up but that is how you learn and that is how you get answers to questions and objections.
- You drive the conversation when you go in knowing what to say rather than reacting and responding.
- Trust the process and be coachable.
- What constitutes good training? Jerry and Jacobe hash it out and help guide you towards it.
3 Key Points:
- The definition of training varies for people and groups. There is all kinds of training available and for that reason you have to know what you;re looking for. It is important to understand what success looks like for you and then go seek someone who is in line with that.
- We are in the information age, drowning in information but starving for wisdom. Jacobe also stresses the importance of the basics and how every good coach goes back to the basics.
- You need to know what to say and how to say it. Role play and scripts give you the confidence that you need because most agents get nervous simply because they don’t have the answers or worry that they won’t.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Episode 68: How To Get Real Estate Referrals
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Today on The Epic Agent Success Podcast, hosts Jerry and Jacobe are talking about the ‘mighty and powerful referral’: How do you get referrals? Where do they come from? How can you be sure that you are establishing relationships that are going to bring in referrals? They will address the pros and cons as well as strategy Tune in for all that you need to know!
Episode Highlights:
- Jacobe says Jerry is the referral king. Jerry agrees that he loves referrals and he talks about how he started with that as his only business strategy.
- Why is a referral so great?
- Jerry talks about how he came from a background of selling hydraulic valves and cylinders and then sold services in heating and cooling. He learned many different sales models and when he carried that over to real estate it did not equate.
- Jacobe talks about how he has worked with a lot of relocation clients. He shares the questions that he always asks them. Many times rapport is brought up over other concrete reasons.
- Jerry breaks down four types of referral and how they work. Jacobe adds a few types that he sees and has experienced.
- What is the success based model?
- What are the challenges of some referrals over others? Jerry says he wants his clients to know his name and be able to use his skills as well.
- How do you ensure that trust is transferred? Jacobe talks about how that is different for each referral source.
- Whatever community you are in, participating keeps you connected. Jerry shares his personal experiences where he has been involved and then establishes relationships. He doesn’t go in and sell. He gets to know people.
- Jacobe asks Jerry to talk about how he really brings people in when he is involved in his kids' school and sports as well as at church.
- HomeBot is a tool Jerry uses to give sellers value. It is information that they want to see.
- People need to know their options and what they can actually do. Think about how you can inform them and bring the value that they are looking for.
- What about marketing companies and Social Media?
- Jacobe looks at YouTube as a referral partner. He shares how he is using the platform and how he has clients who have already trusted him because of the familiarity through viewing his videos.
- There is a lot of power with video in making a presence, building a trust, and providing conversation pieces.
- “Referral is rapport, trust, and relationship”, says Jacobe.
- Jerry reminds about the use of Facebook lives that doesn’t take resources or extensive time.
- Treat your referrals partners better. Jerry and Jacobe have suggestions and why it is important.
3 Key Points:
- Jerry said the most valuable thing about a referral to him is the trust is already established and that process is shorter.
- Jerry and Jacobe break down the types of referrals and how they work as well as examples of each.
- Being involved in the community and striking up easy conversations leads to stories coming out and then they see you on Social Media as well and they know what you do.
Resources Mentioned: